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Need some help with Bashed, at the end of Fcom..


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Let me start off by saying that i've tried to read and comprehend every single Fcom/Wrye related guide and/or FAQ. It's just complex for a newbie I guess. I've been at this for three days, Reinstalling Oblivion, reinstalling the mods, and whatnot. I'm at 6 copies of MMM in my mozilla downloader.. hah...


Anyway, I took a couple of pictures, I just don't wanna keep trying to figure this out and having to reinstall everytime, so i've come to ask for the mercy of the community to gimme a hand >.<






When I first opened the Wrye program, most of the files were un-checked. So I figured, since I read somewhere to make sure all the options I want are selected, I took the liberty to do so. As you can see, I clicked on all the files.


A. Apperantly all the contents in A was outdated information, and I don't need to do any of that anymore.


B. I hit rebuild and this comes up first:




If I hit no, or X, I get this: (note: I didn't hit Yes, because this is the farthest I've gotten in the 8 times trying to do this over the last couple of days, didn't wanna screw it up lol):




So yeah..


C. So here's where i'm COMPLETELY lost. I just have no idea what's going on at this point, everything's written in a hieroglyphs pretty much at this point.



To make matters worse, I pressed the lil' 'Start BOSS' button on wrye, and came up with a couple red things:






No idea what THAT means...





So yeah, I'm kinda sad this isn't as easy as I thought it would be, but I figured someone around here could handle a dummy like me. :P


Any information would be great! Hell, at this point, I'd even let people Teamviewer me if that's what it takes.


Just remember, I'm an Addon noob, so be gentle with your terminology, pretend you're explaining it to a 10 year old :P


Thanks again fellow TES fans, for the help!!!



TL:DR version: I'm new to applying mods, and i'm so lost, read all FAQ's and guides. Fcom wrye giving me problems.


Thanks very much in advance!

Edited by obstantia
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Well I'm a Wrye Bash and FCOM noob myself but my read on the errors follows:




All mods for Oblivion that require an esp file also need to have a master file (esm). Most simpler mods use Oblivion.esm that is part of the unmodded game as a master. More complex mods, like FCOM have their own master files that must be present in the Data folder along with the corresponding esp file.






Not all mods are compatible with one another. Here an alternative to use instead of the conflicting mod is being suggested.






Sometimes there are no suggestions for conflicting mods but suggestions to make a 'bashed patch' are provided.

Edited by Striker879
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Just remember, I'm an Addon noob, so be gentle with your terminology, pretend you're explaining it to a 10 year old :P



I wasn't going to reply to this, simply owing to the fact that I know squat about FCOM, except that it is not for 'Addon noob's. Of all the mods you chose, that is probably THE worst in terms of complexity of installation. I think you would do far better by installing OOO alone -- forget the others until you are more proficient at installing and maintaining mods. OOO contains everything you need in terms of new quests, monsters, gameplay, difficulty, new weapons, new armours etc. Playing Oblivion with OOO installed is like playing another game entirely, and that's without MMM or Frans.

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it means the file that has the warning


aka ERROR message


will k-rash the game


get rid of it




BTW the wrye bash screenie clearly shows a red box checked


that's another problem to solve


aka --- get rid of it

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Okay, thanks a ton guys, I was just trying to make the most of my oblivion play through by getting Fcom, I didn't think it would be doing brain surgery lol. As hickory said, most of the gameplay changers are in OOO, so that's good enough in my book. Plus it lets me keep the hair on my head from turning white.


I learned a lot from thsi, and maybe in the future i'll come back to fcom, but in the meantime, thanks again everyone, but case solved :P

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The FCOM Superpack (Google it) has a set of installation instructions on their forum which cover, in great detail, exactly what to tick and not tick in the Bashed Patch install. I found that worked fine for my FCOM install.
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