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What are some must have mods?


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Some "off the radar" mods that come to mind, ones that are always in my plugin list:


If you have ever had a companion die from Cazador stings then Companion Cure is a real gem of a mod. I discovered my need for this mod the first time I tried to finish The Thorn hunting quest series. Actually, discover is not the right word, it was a mod done upon request initally by someone else and I seconded it, and the author posted this mod almost the very next day.


Another small mod I really love is Veronica Scribe Robes. Not only do they look really awesome, they come in Brotherhood standard Red or optional Black, designed for procurement specialists who spend a lot of time outside I'm sure. The robes remove Veronica's druid hood, very nice when she is not wearing a helmet. It is a small mod that adds a lot if you spend any significant time with Veronica as a companion.


The Realistic Portable Tent, though expensive early on and heavy, makes a fantastic "base camp" that you can carry with you into the wasteland. If you reach an area where you are going to do some heavy adventuring/looting, or just need a place to rest, you set this up. The great thing about it is the containers let you store loot so if you take the time to locate your base camp near to your adventuring destination you can drop loot into the tent then when you carry the tent you can still come in under weight and fast travel. To my mind, its horrible not being able to use fast travel. I can understand not being able to run or jump, but no fast travel is just hideous.

Edited by drakeelvin
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