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I'm fed up of always being a good guy in the game so now I want to try an evil character.


Have you guys got any suggestions ?


Who to be or what attributes to choose.


I hope I have posted in the right area not sure if I should have put this in the mod areas I'm sure someone has made a evil class of character.

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For a mage, you could dress up as a necromancer (And don't join the mages guild, or get kicked out), capture human souls with Black Soul Gems and use illusion/conjuration spells. Or you could be a daedra worshipper and use more destruction spells, and summon daedra.


But someone made a nice post about being evil here. Just don't post in that thread, because it's a very old thread and doing so would be thread necromancy.

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Hay Povuholo, how would that be thread necromancy? :huh:

Thread Necromancy is when you post in a thread that hasn't been posted in for a few months or more, without adding something that will continue the discussion. Like a post just saying: 'Those are some good ideas!'.


Posting Don'ts

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Utilize poisons that Damage Speed or Strength, then give them carefully measured doses for maximum effect. Once they've been sufficiently neutralized, taunt the hapless victim as you slowly take them apart at your lesuire.


If you get a guard to eat a poisoned apple or chokeberry or whatnot, every time that particular guard respawns he'll carry over the Deadly Poison effect and subsequently die. Manage to pull this trick off with the entire garrison, and you'll enjoy the sight of every guard in town dropping over dead every time you return to that city.


Some of my 'flashy' evil characters use Black Soul gems to "capture" enemies of particular interest (Selene of the Blackwater Brigands, for example) and use those gems to enchant swords bearing their names. He also left a nightshade flower behind near the heads of every Dark Brotherhood victim he scored, to mark the spot for future veneration later on.


Some such characters choose to slay Arnora (be mindful that you cannot tell her you'll go with her plan of tricking Jorundr, then stab her in the back—it breaks the quest!) in order to get two amulets from her. The blue one I enchant to boost Magicka and is named "Arnora's Last Breath", the red one is enchanted to boost Health and is named "Arnora's Last Heartbeat".


Of course, my Cassie-the-Assassin doesn't partake of such silly rituals: it doesn't fit her style of clinical, secretive assassinations. She's very low key when it comes to all things DB, to the point she'll kill "accomplices" like Jorundr or Chanel so as to leave no potential witnesses behind. If circumstances permitted, she would have even killed Aleron Loche once he saw the skilled killer hiding behind the Barbie-doll facade.

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Well I got to say: Cassie's got style!!!Damn, that Nightshade flower thing is really cool!


For an evil character, you might also try and find those knights from the KotN expansion, and kill them.Well maybe they are essential, so I'd say: find'em, kill'em...then find'em again, and kill'em again!(wash,rinse,repeat...)


For more gameplay counsels, i'd say Stealth,Security and Blades are must-haves, as well as Illusion (kill someone in front of his mate, become invisible, and slit his mate's throat from behind...)


Get 100 in Alchemy, and the Poisonned Apple fix (search for 'poisonned apple' on this site), and make some deadly poison...Poisons, by the way, are imho necessary for an evil guy...

There is also a mod (I think it's called 'Eek's poisoning mod') allowing you to poison any food...mmm tasty!


You can also make skooma, and become a drug dealer...Faelian would appreciate ('Eek's skooma mod'?)


Too bad Martin's essential...But I think there are occasions where Jauffre is not...see what I mean?


Possible spoiler (highlight to read):

Get that mod that allows you to use all those animations and bow down to that Atronach (it's "l'Englouti" in French, I don't know the english name), it's a quest in a farm near Kvatch, and make some screenshot! You can also bow down to ol' Dagon when he comes...


There is a post in another topic that could prove interesting: keep Wabbajacking the Everscamps from the "Who the Gods annoy" quest...


In the words of the Joker (and THAT guy knows all about evil): "So much to do, and so little time"...

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