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New to Oblivion - Can't even get through first Oblivion Gate : ( h


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So I'm playing a Dark Elf Mage with Mage sign. I've gotten to the first portal by Kvatch and cant get past the first few gobs without dying. Should I wear armor? Should I use swords and whatnot? Any advice will help. Thanks : )


ps - not using any mods yet and dont plan to for awhile.

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Armor helps. Weapons help, magic helps, healing potions help, friends help. And at that level you need all the help you can get - as well as a good save just before the portal. At that level, don't count too much on stealth. Low level arrows don't do much damage - it can take a dozen or more to kill something. But if you can stick a few in an enemy it does weaken them some before they get in sword range. Learn to run, it's not always a good idea to stick around and die.


Don't just blindly follow the main quest line. If you take some time and do a few side quests along the way you will acquire better armor, better weapons, more potions and higher level magic - and it's more fun.


My favorite tactic at low level is to find a place where they cannot get to you, a ledge or up on a rock they can't climb and keep shooting arrows. concentrate on any enemy with a ranged weapon first - such as archers, fireball throwing imps, and mage types with a staff. If you pick your spot, the sword types will not be able to reach you and you can take your time with them. Be prepared with LOTS of arrows and LOTS of healing potions - and a good save. :thumbsup:

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Armor in Oblivion will hinder your magic abilities. The more armor you wear the worse it gets (down to 80% effectiveness I believe, so a 100 dmg fireball would only do 80).


However, shield spells grant direct armor to your character as do elemental shield spells (which grant a resistance and shield in one). At the first gate you won't have too many of these but you can buy some lower levelled ones. Also you can get shield effects from potions and from scrolls. I tend to stock up on potions and scrolls when making a mage character and I'm low levelled still. Just do a bit of dungeon crawling around the Imperial City and stock up on them. If you have the DLC content "Spell Tomes" you might get a few handy spells as well ;).

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All of the above advice is good. Another piece of advice for a mage going into an Oblivion gate is that spells or weapons that do Shock damage are your best friend. Most Daedra, with the particular exception of Storm Atronachs, are weak against Shock -- do NOT use Shock against Storm Atronachs, as they are immune to it. Use a poisoned weapon against them.


Speaking of DLC, the Crimson Eviscerator from Vile Lair, or Mehrunes Razor from the DLC of the same name, are both superb daggers for mages, and are probably your best weapons at low level.

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When I run into a 'Rocky' I use my best fire spells. Stand back so I can dodge their shock attack and avoid being crunched, and melt them back to pieces (final blow is best with largest spell damage I can muster, and watch the little bits fly).
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