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[REQ] Realistic Grenade Physics


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Yes, I would like to make a request for a mod that gives grenades more realistic physics. In real life a thrown grenade doesn't hit the ground and bounce 20 feet in the air so why do the grenades in fallout do it? Most grenades (in my experience in combat in Iraq) may bounce a foot or two off the ground at most and would never bounce more than twice but the grenades (dynamite included) act like Super-Bouncy balls. I'll throw a grenade in the middle of a group of enemies and it'll hit the ground right in the middle of the group and then bounce 30 feet away and explode without hurting anyone unless it somehow by random chance bounces back toward me like it does 3 out of 5 times. So could someone please make a small mod to make grenade physics more realistic or if there is already a mod out there that does that could you please provide a link?
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  • 2 weeks later...

to answer your first point inbetween the outer shell of the explosive spherical device and crunchy explosive center of gunpoweder lies a cushion of airbags that gives the 'grenade' its bounciness.


actually I think theres a mod like that for fallout3 just checkout the nexus for it.

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