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AI Package info please


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I made an AI Package to use item at with a specific ref selected I checked must complete, continue if PC near and head tracking off. I want it to perform a single idle which I set in the Idle tab with random checked (didn't think it mattered with one idle) and nothing else checked. Will this make the npc use the idle uninterrupted ie no pauses or minimal pause until killed?





EDIT - Well I was finally able to test it after finally getting my classical radio station to play through radios and jukeboxes I setup for it without it crashing. Anyway, the Ai package. I had to change from specific ref to near ref with sit down checked and object furniture type selected. The NPC sits now but doesn't run the anim. Anyway ideas?


EDIT #2 - I got it working through further examination of idle anims in the Geck I discovered SitUseComputer is not setup to be used where the identical anim SitUseTerminal is and now it works. I just gotta figure out something new.....It plays keyboard click sounds and doesn't loop, it stops after about 10 seconds or so.


EDIT #3 - Made a new anim kf and idleanim in geck by duplicating the situseterminal and made it loop so that fixed the stopping issue. I am examining the .kf in nifskope removed some sound text key indexes but the sound still plays so thinking I missed something. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee experimenting!


Yet another


EDIT #4 - So removing the sound file references from my altered chair_usecomputer.kf works though I discovered if I interact with the hologram pianist it stops the anim ~.~;;; Wondering if I should make him a creature like dead money holo's and toggle allow dialogue off.


FINAL EDIT - So I created a creature holo based on DM crholo's. When I first launched it I forgot to toggle enable state opposite of parent, next test the holo did not move. Looked at it and noticed derp uses creature folder so created an idleanim folder in the correct path added my customized anim opened up the corresponding idleanim folder in geck added a child and setup the idle and made a new package with the new idle setup and loaded the game. toggled switch and he did not move but proceeded to sit in thin air. I also happened to notice he has no collision so I can pass right through him etc interesting outcome but I like it. I moved his pos in geck loaded back up and it's damn near perfect! If only I could have him enable in the sitting position thats the only thing that would push it to PERFECTION @.@


So I lied


EDIT #6 - I guess the first time I tested the new setup I got lucky. Loaded it up after making a few cosmetic changes (nothing involving the area for this NPC) and well I enabled it and he walked away from the chair and sat down in midair behind it. Note this is the same bench I have been using with the NPC holo that walked to it and sat down. Same package just different file paths for my customized kf. Soooooo yeah :wallbash:


Truly the FINAL FINAL EDIT!!!! I went back to my original holo and simply placed the nvdlc01holostoptalkscript to him and be damned if that simple change didn't fix the anim interruption from trying to talk to it! @.@

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Oh sorry, I must've missed that. Derp. I need better glasses :laugh: Hm... well, in Nipton Rebuilt I have an NPC who uses the guitar idle all the time through an idle marker and a package that makes him use it. You could take a look at it and see how I got it to work. I can't remember off the top of my head :geek:

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Okay so this is what I am doing for a house mod (personal use unless the author likes what I did when I show some images eventually) I really liked the Castle Cove house mod. I added a classical radio station that plays on the pipboy and through new radio's and jukeboxes (not "new" just new ID). The mod came with a piano but I prefer the grande piano types and Whitefang has a resource for that which I used (modified it so it didn't have such a huge footprint as well), I also made a custom piano bench setup to be seated from behind. I created a new Holoemitter activator that has it's own radio station I made so it only plays piano oriented songs and the accompanying Hologram pianist that is enabled through a switch to sit on the bench and use specific idle checked with SitUseComputer as the anim in the Idles tab of the otherwise working package. So trying to figure out how to get the anim playing. I looked and cannot uncheck the random for idles it only changes if I check run in sequence.


Jokerine I'll look into using an idlemarker.




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