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Did I just break my game? (Someone please help me)


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I was playing Skyrim something strange happened in my game. Out of nowhere the game's textures just started to randomly (how do I describe this) go out of place. The game's textures just started, lets just say, "squiggle" around, causing my game to go black screen, FPS started to drop, then crash.


Then I got messages saying that the driver stopped responding, so I updated my driver. I also uninstalled some programs like Nvidia Experience and my game's ENB ( I used I can't Believe it's not an ENB 3 due to having little to no FPS drop despite my graphics card).


After that, my game's textures are still out of place. There is no black screen, but the FPS is still bad and I'm getting crashes saying that my driver stopped and there was one time the game could not use my GPU.


Someone please respond to this post. I want to continue playing Skyrim. Here is some more information about my PC. Its a pre-built by Dell, but it's been working very well for the past year with Skyrim and my other games.


Dell XPS 8700

Intel i7-4770

12 GB of RAM

Nvidia GTX 645 1GB

460 Watt


If you want my mod load order, I'll post it as fast as I can. This happened during the night, so I can't fix or research everything and I'm tired and need sleep.

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Bump to this post.


After some research it seems that this problem is related to my GPU and drivers. So I don't think any mods are the problem for now. I still don't know how to solve the issue though.


Edit: I tried putting some .dll files from my systems folder to my Skyrim folder and deleted some of my saves. Apparently when I loaded a save when my character is currently fighting, the textures were still scrambling all over the place, but I COULD play. So it seems I still have a issue with my graphics card and drivers. However, I also loaded up a save when I was in Riften and my game crashed and got the same GPU is not responding.

Edited by currentlemon
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Ouch! I think you are on the right track with it being an issue with your GPU and/or drivers. Let's try some simple troubleshooting to see if we can determine if it's one or the other.


First, do you have access to another video card? One that you could borrow temporarily from a friend or family member? If so, swap out the card, power up, wait for your OS to look for drivers (or install them yourself if you know which ones to use.) Now see if you can start a NEW game of Skyrim. If it plays normally, then try loading one of your saves from just before your troubles started. If the saves load fine and you can play normally, then it's a fair bet that your GPU is failing. Time to get a new one.


If the new game works, but none of your saves do, then they're corrupted and you will simply have to start over. Sorry.


If the new game does NOT work, but the GPU works fine for other games, then you've likely got a serious problem with your Skyrim files. You might have to wipe your entire install, re-download from Steam, then re-install your mods. You should not have to re-install your NMM.


If the borrowed GPU does not work for any games (and other programs), then you might have either a mobo or PSU issue. Mobo issues could include the PCI-e lane that your GPU sits in has gone bad, a chipset starting to go bad, etc.) PSU issues are usually limited to the voltage rail or capacitors. 460 watts is plenty of juice for your rig, but if the PSU is a cheap no-name (What? Dell using cheap components?! Pshaw!) then it could be going bad. Are you experiencing any issue with other games and/or applications?


If you're still having issues after a GPU swap, then it may be time to bite the bullet and take your rig to a repair specialist. On that note, do you have an extended service agreement with Dell? If not, do you have a Tiger Direct or Best Buy store near you? They tend to have good techs (at least in my experience.) Tiger Direct stores have better repair prices but only have a handful of stores scattered across the country.

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It definitely sounds to me like you might have fried your card in one way or another. First, make sure that the fan on your GPU is spinning. If it is, then try underclocking it by 150 MHz or so, and underclocking the VRAM by like 400 MHz. If this fixes it, you likely fried your card under high temps


(Note - If you did it right, this will murder your framerate. You don't have to keep it this way, it's just for testing)

Edited by sgtmcbiscuits
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It turns out the GPU burned out, so I replaced it with a new graphics card which I was saving for my new PC (GTX 750 ti). My games work now, no scrambling textures, not freezes, no crashes. I have to buy a new graphics card for my new PC now, which I'm building in a couple of weeks, but that's alright. (Will probably get another GTX 750 ti or a GTX 950).

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Glad to hear that you solved your problem.


I have a suggestion for the new GPU for your upcoming build. The AMD Radeon R9 390 Nitro (from Sapphire.) This card runs pretty much neck-and-neck with the GTX 970, has 8GB of memory buffer (with none of the memory partitioning shenanigans that Nvidia pulled with the 970) and runs an average of $20. cheaper (at $330) than most 970 models.


The slightly lower clock speed on the 390 Nitro means that you won't want to try running a large 4K monitor, but for 1080 gaming this card has all the umph you will need to run at max detail on all current games. The 8GB of memory buffer is nearly overkill, but it will certainly allow you to install lotsa texture mods without fear of running out of memory in the GPU.

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