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NMM 0.60 Beta released with profiling. Sharing profiles to follow soon.


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In response to post #28771694. #28772124, #28773059 are all replies on the same post.

hitman1234 wrote:

Oh boy. I don't really have any input to add in terms of how the new system works beyond the fact that it messed up everything and more important to note it does not recognise all mods as having installation menus. With the large majority of my mods (after letting it reinstall everything, finding out I had CTDs and then manually uninstalling and reinstalling everything) it didn't let me use their installation menus. I'm sure you guys realise how major that is with compatibility options often being contained in those menus.


Time to revert back, reinstall my game, reinstall everything and hope my save isn't destroyed...



P.S. I suggest you make it even more clear that it's a Beta. I may be retarded/blind but I completely missed that part and would never have updated if I didn't know it was stable.

Tyranis101 wrote: agreed i wish they could bring out a version that actually works out of the box... (completely screwed up my plugin list, so i had to reinstall)
marjimdt wrote: NMM has always been Beta. As he said in article, Beta is normal for NMM

Beta is written on the flash screen you see every time you start NMM. I honestly have no idea how we could make it any clearer.
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In response to post #28772979.

marjimdt wrote: I did the automatic download and lost 29 mods. I immediately just uninstalled all mods, removed NMM from my computer and will play another game for the next few days till all is figured out.
My question is this...how could you think that this was ready when it is so bugged? either your ALPHA testers need to be replaced or something.
As in the past, this too shall pass.

We had 40,000 people install the alpha of this version. We fixed all bugs reported to us, waited 8 months, then released this version.
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In response to post #28771509.

tind0036 wrote: I think this is really great! Good job everyone. There were problems, however, with transitioning the mods into the new version. Ultimately, I just decided to start with a clean slate, reinstalling Skyrim from scratch and deleting all of the mods I had installed (over one hundred mods.) Given the large number of mods and their precarious compatibility issues, I am empathetic to the difficulty involved. Regardless, my experience has been very good with the new version and am already enjoying the new features! The ability to switch profiles is very interesting and allows me to be more agile with how and when I use mods. I purchased a premium membership to offer a small thank you for the hard work. I look forward to more.

Thank you for your kind words. I like that you got the gist of things, that yes, there might be a few issues here and there, but ultimately, it's heading towards the greater good.
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In response to post #28772979. #28779329 is also a reply to the same post.

marjimdt wrote: I did the automatic download and lost 29 mods. I immediately just uninstalled all mods, removed NMM from my computer and will play another game for the next few days till all is figured out.
My question is this...how could you think that this was ready when it is so bugged? either your ALPHA testers need to be replaced or something.
As in the past, this too shall pass.
Dark0ne wrote: We had 40,000 people install the alpha of this version. We fixed all bugs reported to us, waited 8 months, then released this version.

Yep my game is totally messed up :( as well
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It is sad. This situation is sad. I am sorry for you all. Is it still communication and lack of documentation? Clear communication was a problem back when I used to read here. Frustration with having to spend more time learning technology rather than playing the games leads to skimming forums and poor searches for information. It takes a lot of patience and diligence to keep up with the needs of users of an application, especially when that application is changing.


I hope these problems can be resolved. I remember the times I hosed my installations with ModOrganiser. It was brutal and when I found a way to get back up and running without starting over it was satisfying. To be honest I kept a seperate hard drive and did a weekly backup of the whole ModOrganiser application folder and the games folders as well. LOL overkill? Ask yourself, would you be so upset if you could "go back" to last weeks setup?

Now you all can yell at me for a while for being such a smart as-s. LOL :^P

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To add on I do think you guys are doing/have done a terrific job on this project. I just sort of got caught into the hoopla of the easiest thing to do once you think you're in a crisis situation: blame someone. At the end of it all I got everything working again within a small period of time, this is beta, there were warnings, and I can definitely appreciate the amount of time it takes to reply to most of the complaints here. Thank you guys, keep up the good work.
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In response to post #28779484.

Apprentice Harper wrote: It is sad. This situation is sad. I am sorry for you all. Is it still communication and lack of documentation? Clear communication was a problem back when I used to read here. Frustration with having to spend more time learning technology rather than playing the games leads to skimming forums and poor searches for information. It takes a lot of patience and diligence to keep up with the needs of users of an application, especially when that application is changing.

I hope these problems can be resolved. I remember the times I hosed my installations with ModOrganiser. It was brutal and when I found a way to get back up and running without starting over it was satisfying. To be honest I kept a seperate hard drive and did a weekly backup of the whole ModOrganiser application folder and the games folders as well. LOL overkill? Ask yourself, would you be so upset if you could "go back" to last weeks setup?
Now you all can yell at me for a while for being such a smart as-s. LOL :^P

Problem is that people can get their setup back as it was, they just need to ask for help in the proper section instead of posting random stuff all around the place :P
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In response to post #28779484. #28779524 is also a reply to the same post.

Apprentice Harper wrote: It is sad. This situation is sad. I am sorry for you all. Is it still communication and lack of documentation? Clear communication was a problem back when I used to read here. Frustration with having to spend more time learning technology rather than playing the games leads to skimming forums and poor searches for information. It takes a lot of patience and diligence to keep up with the needs of users of an application, especially when that application is changing.

I hope these problems can be resolved. I remember the times I hosed my installations with ModOrganiser. It was brutal and when I found a way to get back up and running without starting over it was satisfying. To be honest I kept a seperate hard drive and did a weekly backup of the whole ModOrganiser application folder and the games folders as well. LOL overkill? Ask yourself, would you be so upset if you could "go back" to last weeks setup?
Now you all can yell at me for a while for being such a smart as-s. LOL :^P
DuskDweller wrote: Problem is that people can get their setup back as it was, they just need to ask for help in the proper section instead of posting random stuff all around the place :P

With no detailed bug reports that actually help us to fix the problem because they're too busy telling us to die in a fire and insulting us. It's great, really.
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To be honest, this update wasn't so bad. Sure the installation menu for mods won't show up once in a blue moon. The bugs are not that bad. I actually really like this new update. I look forward to seeing what this will become. :) Good luck with fixing the bugs.
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In response to post #28778624.

Kookaafa wrote: I'm noticing that all the people with little to no problems are the people with fewer and simpler mods. It seems that the users who heavily modded their games with a (previously FUNCTIONAL) modding utility built for just that are the ones getting screwed over.

I'm missing 63 plugins. 23 are corrupted. At least five of them are STILL being read as corrupted after deletion and redownloading, I didn't bother to check further after the first five. I read the BIG RED LETTERS, I heeded the warnings, and followed the instructions step by step and look what happened. I'm sorry Nexus staff, but you guys have screwed up ROYALLY this time and obliterated many peoples' setups. Maybe you should spend some of this time behind your keyboard working for a solution and quickly, rather than telling your members to fix their attitudes and that it must be user error.
You're likely going to see a huge exodus of users until this is fixed and honestly, it's not undeserved. This is insane. It took me almost a year to finally get my installation to my preference and with a single update you ensured I won't touch that game again for another year.

Good work on a bad job.

It took you a year O_o. I've completely reinstalled all of my mods before multiple times and it only took me 3 days at most. I agree that this update could of been done better but if it literally takes you another year to install all your mods then you have to seriously have to re-evaluate the way you do modding.

Also I highly doubt there is going to be any exodus whatsoever. First and foremost, not everybody uses NMM. Many people use manual installation or Mod Organizer. Second, there is no other place to have an exodus towards. Nexus mods is where the vast majority of mods are made. Third, it would probably take more effort to do an exodus then it would be to just nuke your game installation and rebuild your load order by hand again.
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