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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28830334. #28834159 is also a reply to the same post.

Gefri wrote: Please explain what your version of profiling is, what you want profiling to do, and why you need to include it in NMM.

I see profiling as a tool for commercialism and an invasion of privacy.

The beauty of NMM and the Nexus sites was that they were enthusiast built, not for commercial gain. The pursuit of money mutilates art.
Draxephi wrote: Profiling has nothing to with money in this sense. It's just so that you can create a loadout of sorts, which, to my knowledge in using the alpha versions, just saves the mods you've enabled and load order, making it easy to switch between several loadouts.

HUh ? what ?
Really ?
Have you ever read or heard about the tool called Mod Organizer
Do you even know that there are other tools for management of your mods that currently work
much better than NMM currently does
Profiles from what I gather are the same type of system that Mod Organizerr uses , you can have separate mod installations for different characters OR the BIG ONE HERE you can try out mods without borking up your game the profiles for MOd Organizer are locally stored such ad the actual mod installs are virtual {in another folder that you can choose} not in your Skyrim folder directly
From my understanding this is the path that NMM is trying to recreate , so as to follow the popularity and broader mod control .

Invasion of privacy ? STOP USING THE INTERNET ! that might help if you feel invaded
Edited by adamocelot
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In response to post #28829074. #28829199, #28833099, #28833229 are all replies on the same post.

Cylon123 wrote: This post made me realize that NexusMods is filled with idiots. If admins released an update, and it messed my game, i would NEVER blame them.Even if i had to reinstall all the mods for 3 days straight, i'd be cool with it, they invested/ and are still investing so much time in making this site and program more useful, and all you people do is b!tch about it.
I think 20% of you people read the warning and said:"Whatever, its a new update i have to install it"
and 50 % just went with it without even reading it and 30 % read it and saw the potential dangers for them and declined (like me).
Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods.

Think about what i just wrote and stop flaming admins because of spilled milk.
MDeckman wrote: "Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods."

LMAO! I know, right? I've got 174 mods and took all necessary precautions: mod and save backup.
orb1akatsuki wrote: Lol and I thought that I was the only one, I create save back ups all the time for my games, heck I even archive my favorite mods that I downloaded here in the nexus and on other modding sites even though nmm already saves the mods in the specified folder where it saves downloaded mods. and yesterday, I was dead tired from work when I logged onto my computer, open my browser and checked nexus for any new mods that might interest me. Found one, opened the nmm, then the auto update prompted me if I wanted to update, then I updated, then the new nmm's pop up text opened, I was just to tired to read, so dahyum, I messed my game up lol.

I ain't like other people that complains that something free messes up their game, and alas, nmm and a lot of the mods we get are free... I download mods, and endorse them to show my appreciation on their work and helping the game more fun.

People needs to be more appreciative rather than yapping and crying for what they did wrong when upgrading, updating or installing a mod and third party software, its all trial and error, and honestly, I'd rather have trials and error rather than having the developers who made the games a lot more fun stop making things more convenient for us gamers. If they do stop, then I guess the only ones to blame are us that who did not supported them and thrash talked at them and etc...
MDeckman wrote: No no, you're definitely not the only one. I do the same: i archive mods and saves because it shows the progress and I'm a digital pack rat.

I dunno...

I use MO so I shouldn't even be here. (_8^(\) doh! Edited by Guest
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In response to post #28830334. #28833794 is also a reply to the same post.

Gefri wrote: Please explain what your version of profiling is, what you want profiling to do, and why you need to include it in NMM.

I see profiling as a tool for commercialism and an invasion of privacy.

The beauty of NMM and the Nexus sites was that they were enthusiast built, not for commercial gain. The pursuit of money mutilates art.
adamocelot wrote: HUh ? what ?
Really ?
Have you ever read or heard about the tool called Mod Manager
Do you even know that there are other tools for management of your mods that currently work
much better than NMM currently does
Profiles from what I gather are the same type of system that Mod manager uses , you can have separate mod installations for different characters OR the BIG ONE HERE you can try out mods without borking up your game the profiles for MOd organizer are locally stored such ad the actual mod installs are virtual {in another folder that you can choose} not in your Skyrim folder directly
From my understanding this is the path that NMM is trying to recreate , so as to follow the popularity and broader mod control .

Invasion of privacy ? STOP USING THE INTERNET ! that might help if you feel invaded

Profiling has nothing to with money in this sense. It's just so that you can create a loadout of sorts, which, to my knowledge in using the alpha versions, just saves the mods you've enabled and load order, making it easy to switch between several loadouts.
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In response to post #28827054. #28827244, #28828699, #28828824, #28828834 are all replies on the same post.

Siddny wrote: I lost 3 saves over 2 games going well over 300+ hours because you didn't think to put in an option to keep everything the way it was for the time being, if you had done that everything would be fine right now but you didn't so here we are.
Kintsy wrote: They did - it was called saying no to the update, which I did, lol. Try reading the warning next time...?
xRoxel wrote: You can quite easily revert to get those back...
MDeckman wrote: I backed up my saves and mods, knowing that there was a chance my entire installation could go belly. it's your own fault you didn't back anything up. They even gave warnings...excessive warnings and you still ignored it all.

Serves you right.
MDeckman wrote: crap, a double post... this one can get deleted...

My ,300 hours
I have 4103 hours..yes really and I have reinstalled Skyrim at least over 200 times during those hours ,due to modding the game and I accept all responsibility myself
As a hardcore mod user I expect to break my game atleat once per week or so < I consider myself lucky to make it through a completed play through
I realize to some of us don't have all that time , but mine is limited too between 2 jobs and family.
Just revert back to older save and reinstall if needed.. this is the small cost of Modding
Number one rule of modding actually the first thing I learned when I began installing mods ....BACK IT UP

Edited by adamocelot
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Wish i knew this update was gonna mess with my mods before i installed it. I had the misfortune of installing it when i launched nmm. Now that i uninstalled all my mods i'm getting script errors while trying to reinstall them. So kinda mad I have to do this but really mad that it's not working at all.


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150 mods. The update seemed to set up, last night,without a hitch.

Fnis, wyre bash, loot, and tess edit were all green, good to go. But my game crashed to desktop on startup. Being late evening I gave up for the night.

This afternoon I uninstalled and reinstalled all my mods. I did not redownload them.

When I ran Wyre Bash, this time, several mods came up red. I uninstalled and deleted those mods got fresh downloads and reinstalled them. That worked, problem solved.

The ones I had to redownload were; the Unofficial patches Skyrim, hearthfire, and dawnguard. Immersive weapons, Immersive armors, Bathing in Skyrim, and Interactive Washbasins.


Big thanks to all the Modders, and Nexus. Your work has granted me 2422 hours of genuine delight.


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Folks still doing the blame game? I updated, had to reinstall and took me hours to get back to working...was it frustrating?, Yuppers. Did I say lots of bad words? Oh you bet I did. Did I jump on the forums, raise holy hell, swear, threaten, and make an ass of myself? Not even once. I DID make a bug report as requested, and am currently getting help from the Devs...most likely because I explained my issue and requested help instead of blindly lashing out and threatening their entire bloodline with doom and horror. You see folks, for whatever amount of time you put into playing the game, they have most likely put that same amount (if not more) time into developing this FREE program to help you play the game you enjoy. Show some respect and maybe just a little patience until this gets sorted out. Most of us will be playing FO4 in a couple of months and Skyrim will be relegated to those dusty parts of our computer that we store it in when we get a new shiny anyway, and I bet they will STILL be working on NMM whilst we are hunting in the wasteland. Remember the golden rule, my good people: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!
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In response to post #28810964. #28812259, #28813564, #28821794 are all replies on the same post.

archerarcher wrote: Profiling ist the reason why I EVER WILL AVOID Mod Organizer.

I am sure many pepole think like me and.

So I think to make our beloved NMM handling mod files the way MO does is the wrong way.

So the only hope is to await a mod manager for Fallout 4 that isn't using profiling.

Sorry, but I am very disappointed.
PeterMartyr wrote: Confused, ////Er, how can you have a Opinion on something THAT YOU NEVER USED.
archerarcher wrote: Let me correct my word:
I've given MO a try, so I HAVE USED it before.
Leavi wrote: Will gladly say that I didn't upgrade to the new version, so might be a bit behind here. But would it make a difference to have a profil or just a normal install? Just don't change profile and it would be the same right?

@Leavi: No, because profiles use archives. The normal way of installing mods to a games folder is bypassed. It's not a big deal for people that use NMM to install all their mods, but for people that manually install a lot of mods or change a lot of things in the games folders (like mod authors) it can be a hassle.

No worries though, as archerarcher said I'm sure someone will make a mod manager for Fallout 4 that will work the normal way.
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First, I commend the NMM crew for all their hard work and the beta rollout of NMM 0.60.?. Over the years you and other Nexus staffers have transformed the Nexus site into the best modding site in the galaxy.


Second, I address a modest suggestion to mod users who have not yet installed the beta version of NMM 0.60.? but would like to do so. (If this suggestion has been made in a previous comment, then please view my remarks as an endorsement of the suggestion.)


Before risking the health and well being of your lovingly crafted Skyrim (or whatever) game, first test NMM 0.60.? on a game you have no serious interest in playing. Use that game for experimentation. If the results are positive, then use NMM beta 0.60.? for your serious gaming. If the results are negative, then continue to use your old version of NMM until beta 0.60.? meets your requirements for an acceptable mod organizer.


However, DO NOT INSTALL beta 0.60.? until you have backed up and/or copied all of your critical game files and folders!


Obviously this suggestion comes too late and is of no comfort for those whose games have disappeared into an NMM abyss. However, I do not blame the NMM crew for this. The term alpha means, "CAUTION - YOU COULD LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY!" and the term beta means, "CAUTION - WET FLOORS!" So when the NMM crew introduced the alpha version of NMM 0.60 earlier this year, I trusted their warnings and avoided it altogether. Likewise, I now trust their warnings that NMM 0.60.? is a beta version, and I will proceed with extreme caution.


Thank you, modders and mod users, for your support for this great Nexus site. And thank you, Nexus staff, for the good work you are doing.


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