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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28812009.

SnW25 wrote: thx i just lost 900 hs of gameplay for updating this crap... now my grame crash at main menu, good job guys, good job.... DON'T FIX WHAT IS NOT BROKEN.

1. Back up your s#*!.
2. You're downloading and using third party software that is provided to you for free.
3. Updates are how things are improved.
4. It works fine during development, and only through an actual release are you able to find bugs that wouldn't have reared their heads during the development and beta process.
5. Go back to installing mods manually.
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In response to post #28805459. #28807169, #28807474, #28807489, #28809154, #28809529, #28810269, #28811029 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote: We have just released version 0.60.4 of NMM that has a number of fixes for bugs reported with the help of users using the bug tracker, the list includes:

Fixed issue causing the migration process to be unable to reinstall some mods. Fixed issue preventing NMM from properly handling the load order for Fallout and Oblivion. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to hang while performing the mod migration. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to install files in the wrong folder. Fixed issue preventing NMM from automatically retrieve the Morrowind game path during the startup scan. Fixed issue preventing the ReadMe Manager from properly catching readme files. Fixed issue with the Backup file management.

Now waiting on some brave souls to try it.

Squashnoggin wrote: :ohmy: ..Not Me!!!! :teehee:
LazarusGrimm wrote: Brave soul here: Okay... So... uhm... is there like... a reason for why the speed to delete a mod has been decreased with about 500%? Took me over an hour just to uninstall and delete Raven Castle, while in previous versions it took about 4 - 5 minutes.
Hiwatcher1 wrote: Trying it now. Tried 60.3 last night and it seems to lock up on "overhaul" mods. Crossing my fingers.

Update: Locked up on "Complete Crafting Overhaul". Downloaded NMM 56.1 from my downloads file and game works(so far).
Majic7 wrote: Blindly up-dated to 60.3 yesterday, just clicked buttons. After up-dating Skyrim wouldn't open. NMM showed all 68 mods activated but it wouldn't run, even after re-installing Skyrim and starting over from the beginning. Had to de-activate all mods and re-activate them. Then I could restart the game from the beginning. Today I tried 60.4 on Morrowind and it worked fine. No fiddling around, just worked. 90 mods.
lexx005 wrote: Just updated to 0.60.4 without any issues, but there was no migration process since i had already updated to 0.60.3 yesterday, it just updated the version of NMM.
Squashnoggin wrote: In THAT case..
Squashy was afraid it would be another 'fresh start' type deal. If it's just a standard Nexus "worry-free" update, then, mayybee.. ;)
spiritwolf1 wrote: I used it and maybe I don't understand how it works or something , but all the mods it migrated never showed in my load order. I just reverted back to older version and reloaded new game, it seems to be the best solution for me. I am not blaming anybody for it not working for me. I tried using Mod organizer that was recommended also, and never had any clue how it works. I used obmm( tesmm) before NMM . which had some functions that NMM doesn't have, but I have learned other ways of doing the same thing with tes5edit. I would use NMM 0.60 , if there is a read me file to teach me how it works or a step by step video like the ones Gopher used to make, because they make it easier for me to learn how to use the programs.

Trying it. I've just fresh installed Skyrim.
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In response to post #28810964.

archerarcher wrote: Profiling ist the reason why I EVER WILL AVOID Mod Organizer.

I am sure many pepole think like me and.

So I think to make our beloved NMM handling mod files the way MO does is the wrong way.

So the only hope is to await a mod manager for Fallout 4 that isn't using profiling.

Sorry, but I am very disappointed.

Confused, ////Er, how can you have a Opinion on something THAT YOU NEVER USED.
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In response to post #28812009. #28812169 is also a reply to the same post.

SnW25 wrote: thx i just lost 900 hs of gameplay for updating this crap... now my grame crash at main menu, good job guys, good job.... DON'T FIX WHAT IS NOT BROKEN.
hyp3rstrike wrote: 1. Back up your s#*!.
2. You're downloading and using third party software that is provided to you for free.
3. Updates are how things are improved.
4. It works fine during development, and only through an actual release are you able to find bugs that wouldn't have reared their heads during the development and beta process.
5. Go back to installing mods manually.

too late i just uninstaled and deleted 26 gbs of skyrm folder, (i'm not reinstalling 26 gbs of mods because some genius can't add an option to leave every file as it as. bye bye game, thx for changing something that did not need to be changed. Edited by SnW25
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In response to post #28805459. #28807169, #28807474, #28807489, #28809154, #28809529, #28810269, #28811029, #28812189 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote: We have just released version 0.60.4 of NMM that has a number of fixes for bugs reported with the help of users using the bug tracker, the list includes:

Fixed issue causing the migration process to be unable to reinstall some mods. Fixed issue preventing NMM from properly handling the load order for Fallout and Oblivion. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to hang while performing the mod migration. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to install files in the wrong folder. Fixed issue preventing NMM from automatically retrieve the Morrowind game path during the startup scan. Fixed issue preventing the ReadMe Manager from properly catching readme files. Fixed issue with the Backup file management.

Now waiting on some brave souls to try it.

Squashnoggin wrote: :ohmy: ..Not Me!!!! :teehee:
LazarusGrimm wrote: Brave soul here: Okay... So... uhm... is there like... a reason for why the speed to delete a mod has been decreased with about 500%? Took me over an hour just to uninstall and delete Raven Castle, while in previous versions it took about 4 - 5 minutes.
Hiwatcher1 wrote: Trying it now. Tried 60.3 last night and it seems to lock up on "overhaul" mods. Crossing my fingers.

Update: Locked up on "Complete Crafting Overhaul". Downloaded NMM 56.1 from my downloads file and game works(so far).
Majic7 wrote: Blindly up-dated to 60.3 yesterday, just clicked buttons. After up-dating Skyrim wouldn't open. NMM showed all 68 mods activated but it wouldn't run, even after re-installing Skyrim and starting over from the beginning. Had to de-activate all mods and re-activate them. Then I could restart the game from the beginning. Today I tried 60.4 on Morrowind and it worked fine. No fiddling around, just worked. 90 mods.
lexx005 wrote: Just updated to 0.60.4 without any issues, but there was no migration process since i had already updated to 0.60.3 yesterday, it just updated the version of NMM.
Squashnoggin wrote: In THAT case..
Squashy was afraid it would be another 'fresh start' type deal. If it's just a standard Nexus "worry-free" update, then, mayybee.. ;)
spiritwolf1 wrote: I used it and maybe I don't understand how it works or something , but all the mods it migrated never showed in my load order. I just reverted back to older version and reloaded new game, it seems to be the best solution for me. I am not blaming anybody for it not working for me. I tried using Mod organizer that was recommended also, and never had any clue how it works. I used obmm( tesmm) before NMM . which had some functions that NMM doesn't have, but I have learned other ways of doing the same thing with tes5edit. I would use NMM 0.60 , if there is a read me file to teach me how it works or a step by step video like the ones Gopher used to make, because they make it easier for me to learn how to use the programs.
hyp3rstrike wrote: Trying it. I've just fresh installed Skyrim.

I'm blindly brave in the sense that I'm of the click it and hope crowd, with no tech experience at all. I just like things to work. That being said, I clicked on the update, and after 10 minutes it was all over, and my 50 some mods worked, and Skyrim didn't crash. And that on a Mac running a windows partition. Go figure. Blind luck I bet. I knew I was taking a chance, and I wouldn't have enjoyed spending several hours trying to reconstruct mods, or even to get the game to run.

I have to agree with folks that just because you have big red warning signs, doesn't absolve responsibility. In this day and age an "update" is oft times either immediately necessary, or the user sees the writing on the wall. Perhaps a great deal of what to do before you update to protect your game would have been in order.
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The update did add some new things that will be handy, like directly launching tes5edit and wyre bash from the manager.


However, the update did break somethings when it comes to installing mods, when ever I install a mod, half the time it comes out as corrupted, reinstalling sometimes fixes it but oh man, activating and reactivating just to get the plug-in installed correctly is a bit of a downer.

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Just got around to upgrade my NMM to 0.60.3 as well. I'm not really a fan of "using" mod managers, but I know my "users" are, so I at least need to be able to create and manage scripted installers and have all my mods installable with the various managers out there. Plus, it helps a lot knowing the tool inside out from own use, whenever questions pop up later I will then be able to answer. I was doing that before I was a moderator, and I see no reason to stop it now.


I was going through the upgrade process just like everyone else. Uninstall the old version, install the new version, enter folder paths on first start up, and be greeted with the migration screen and the big red warning message: "last chance to turn back now while nothing happened yet (click Cancel and reinstall an older NMM), or proceed as planned (click Yes or No to begin migration)?"


I was knowing fully well that things could go wrong at this point, and was warned yet another time before anything happened, but I was desperate to try this new NMM as I must, and went ahead clicking "Yes".


It did its usual thing, and of course I also ended up with "some" of my mods, even I as a programer couldn't yet figure out any cause or reason or even pattern behind its choices, not having been installed in full, a few select files were missing. I first noticed it on running Wrye Bash when it told me I was missing a "BSA" of all things and crashed.


A quick look into my data folder revealed yet even more files missing as well, of course. So I went online and searched around a little about if this was a known issue perhaps and what's the best way to go about fixing it. Or if not, file a bug report in the tracker. I quickly found a related occurrence in the bug tracker though and received my answer: "restore the backup profile and tell us what it does."


Doing as told restoration of the backup profile didn't actually "restore" anything. Instead it just created another profile with a name containing "backup", didn't touch my mods at all, but when I tried switching to it it immediately came up with an error message along the lines that I was missing some files (really? didn't know that^^), telling me step by step what to do in order to fix it, and a thorough list of the mods which have not been installed completely intact.


So again I did as told and uninstalled and reinstalled "only" the few select mods it told me to, and lo and behold, everything went through smoothly without a single hitch. In an after thought I should've said "No" instead of "Yes" when I was asked, as apparently the "automatic un- and reinstall process" was at fault here, but who cares, the fix was braindead simple and went through in a couple of minutes. Plus, learned something new to come in handy when others run into the same or similar trouble later.



Granted, I actually had to do the entire process 3 times in a row, but only because of my own stupidity, or better yet, curiosity to try out things too far out of the way and not even documented to work or not work yet.


- My first attempt was trying to make NMM point to a "Mods" and "Install Info" folder as well as having the "VirtualInstall" folder stored on a "network" drive, which both, with and without "Multi HD", was always accepted but at the end never really worked and threw an error immediately once I tried adding in another mod into the collection (something like "Must be either 'C' or 'C:\'..." which made it obvious what was my mistake, using a network drive and path instead of a physical).


- Second attempt I put the "VirtualInstall" folder at a place too deeply borrowed underneath a huge hierarchy of folders, thus its base path was already rather "lengthy". When I then tried to install a package containing again rather deep folder hierarchies and long filenames, I got the inevitable result, the resulting file path was longer than the 260 letters limit implied by FAT32 filesystems! Completely my own fault again for choosing such a bad destination.


- Third attempt however, just like explained above, was a child's play, doing like I was told, and everything went smoothly until the end. So far I also haven't encountered any 3rd party applications failing to "see" the virtual links to the actual files either. But this could also just be because I made it a habit of mine to always run these tools via "run as administrator" in the later OS. They just burned me far too often already when not doing that in the past. "If it's in Windows and you don't do it 'as administrator', it's more likely you won't be doing it at all to begin with."



Sadly I cannot test the update to 0.60.4 now due to that. The update to 0.60.3 went through without a hitch already and thus I already migrated successfully now. Else I would've definitely done that instead.


What's left to check now is what might happen when I open one of the "links" to edit the ESP in the CS. When it "follows" the link and opens the ESP instead, that'll be fine. I can mod the mod just as usual and my changes simply will be stored into the unpacked file inside the VirtualInstall folder instead. If not, well, then I know to "mod" something I need to, at least temporarily, physically move it into the data folder first, and when I'm done insert it into the package I modded for a reinstall i.e. update. But both will be fine, so I'm not really worried or anything.

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A word of caution here.....NMM is the rock upon which the nexus was built. Over the years I have found it far and above the best manager out there. OMOD, the Mod Organiser, even TesModManager all have fallen by the wayside in terms of functionality, appearance, and most importantly reliability. It is very much the glue which holds this community together.


Then yesterday it just WRECKED my game. :D Scripted mods are a mess, none of them installed right. The new profile was configured without regard to the old and when you backed up it CTD'd because stuff was no longer there. I found that the only reliable way to fix scripteds was to redownload the entire mod, as simply reactivating it bypassed the script altogether. I didn't trust the mod folder any more. Orphan ESPs were all over my data folder. With about 160 active mods this made for a FUN day ;)


Now I'm an old hand here, I don't publish, but I've been making my own mods and using others since Morrowind. It took me several hours to get stuff back to normal, though I did see another damned polygon marching through the woods just before I sat down to write this. So I'm gonna be OK. I hadn't backed the directory up for about 100 game hours and have been playing with several new mods or I'd just go back and overwrite the game folder and pickup where I left off. But The less experienced players are surely tearing hair and screaming.


The trust issue here is significant. Any good IT manager will tell you that you don't implement new code till it's ready. Yes it's a BETA. Says so right on the package. Yes there were ISSUES. Said that in the disclaimer. My question here is "What's the rush?" You just gave a whaling lot of your loyal followers a MAJOR headache that they don't need. Were you trying to beat FO4 out? Could you not have waited till the core processes were functioning right to release?


LOL, now modders are guinea pigs by nature. Plug it in and see what happens is a way of life with us. But yesterday was like catching your buddy kissing your girlfriend. A trusted thing betrayed us!! Lots of people will react poorly to this so all I'm asking is that you be more careful. Pooping on someone's day is rarely good business.


And BTW, we all DO appreciate the time and hard work that the nexus crew puts into this site. Most of us aren't going anywhere, but it wouldn't hurt to be more patient next time.

Edited by geknight
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In response to post #28812769.

potokpro wrote: I updated and reinstalled mods and now my game crashes during loading to main menu you ruined my gameplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what you get for failing to read the bold red text when you installed the newest version for NMM, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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