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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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Although my mod-Q has been raised significantly thanks to the Skyrim mod community - patchers, script editors, character editors, merging/cleaning/bashing etc. - I have always been way too intimidated to move to MO or the NMM alpha. Despite having to "translate" the steps shown in many YouTube vids, forum posts and the Jenga tower that is STEP into NMM, I always felt more secure in the straight forward activate-by-putting-it-into-the-data-folder method!


That being said, I am taking this opportunity to pause my obsessive modding of Skyrim, ZIP down my data and mod folders, and start a new round in Fallout 3 (not going to bother w FO4 until both DLC and modding pipeline fill up). This gives me the ability to use some of the feature integration I have envied from afar, while being able to start fresh and learn without breaking a game in progress. When my Skyrim need returns, I can always resurrect my 5.61 install, and get my precariously modified game up and running pretty quickly.


TLDR: was excited to see the 60.x version in the upgrade message, gonna start a new installation of FO3 from scratch, and still have a safety net for my modded Skyrim.


Big thanks to the Nexus devs for producing an amazingly integrated and versatile modding environment and to all the community members sharing their upgrade experiences and providing constructive criticism in the forum/bug report areas.


- E


PS: Really excited about the future ability to download a fully modded - and working! - build of a game like Skyrim through Nexus based profile saving!



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I updated to .60.4 last night and let nmm do its business overnight. It was finishing up as I woke up the next morning and everything appeared to be fine. However now when I launch SKSE I am shown a brief flash of the home page before CTD. I haven't installed any mods since this and upgrading to 0.60.5 yields the same results. Has something been activated that I had inactive or is this something more than that?
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First of all this is definitely not hate mail. NMM you deliver mods for games like nobody else does and its all FREE!!! so to all the whiners sending NMM keep that in mind! Now onto the issue with the beta...


I have not yet had a chance to read up on the problems everyone else is having so I apologize if mine is redundant. My issue was that when I installed update (which I was prompted to do while I was messing with my mods, I didn't go out looking for an updated version) I chose option 2 to just have it uninstall or deactivate all mods, whatever it says. Then after 6 hours of waiting for it to do its thing (checked to make sure program was still responding several times) I finally gave up and force closed it, which i'm sure I will regret doing later on. Ok so thats what happened with me. So I have a few suggestions for NMM. Don't prompt for the update on a beta update! Its my own fault for not looking more closely when clicking yes update but i just assumed it was a normal update so I wasnt able to back everything up before s#*! hit the fan... I dont know if you guys have it somewhere but until you get the beta ironed out it would be nice if I could download a previous version of NMM to use...


THE BIGGEST SUGGESTION! when installing the update have one of the options be to let the user manually go and uninstall or deactivate all their mods because for me atleast that is where everything went to s#*!. I also think that no matter how good the program is written having the user be able to manually do it will always be the most STABLE way (not easiest). Another thing you guys could do is have a prompt before any updating or new install has taken place, telling the user to deactivate all mods or even uninstall them, before updating. I dont know of any issues past this point since I can't do anything past this point so I can't be any help there.


THE BIGGEST FRUSTRATION!!! or atleast for me is that I have no way of going back and deactivating all my mods at this point... I can't use mod manager anymore... when I start it up I am immidiately prompted to choose to have NMM take care of switching over or have NMM just deactivate them or cancel so I have no way to deactivate all my mods myself... I can't find any previous versions of mod manager anywhere... hence my frustration... I can't be the only one having this issue.


i'm glad to see that NMM is always trying to better themselves for the NMM community. Keep up the good work!!

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In response to post #28824324. #28824749 is also a reply to the same post.

Brandon007 wrote: Heres a question for ya.... Does NMM handle large mods/files now? 1GB+?

I always had to use FOMM for some of the use Fallout NV/FO3 mods, since NMM would always crash when trying to install those big mods...

I would LOVE to be able to use NMM for all my games again >-<
DngnRdr wrote: Second that first question!

Furthermore..... if that issue hasn't been fixed and you still have to install some mods manually because NMM won't install them, how will NMM now treat those manually installed mods (Active, Inactive??) and will that affect our games? And will there be any other issues resulting from people using NMM to install some mods and installing others manually?


its always worked fine for me using 1gb + files... except when I had 32 bit version of windows/nmm
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In response to post #28825344.

[email protected] wrote: Thank you for helping me let go of Skyrim.
I had nearly 200 mods and thanks to the update, it isn't working anymore.
I can finally delete the f*#@ing game and NMM for good this time.
For your future reference, at lease give users an option to which they can maintain their mods without having to reinstall or upgrade, like a legacy settings or whatever you wanna call it. Not just YES, NO and Cancle.

they did - click cancel and reinstall old version
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In response to post #28838444.

Oubliette wrote:

You know what might help? Allowing multiple installs of NMM.


So I could keep the game I'm currently modding in .56.1 and move all my other NMM compatible games to the new system.

that's what I shall attempt to do when FO4 comes out ... well assuming beth don't have some super invasive restrict mod manager that must be used or your computer explodes
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