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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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Seems that Skyrim is crashing a lot with 60.8. I am getting some weird effects as well, like shiny blue hair on Bijin Wives and Seranaholic. It would be nice if it would just work. I still think it is much superior to any game experience I have ever had. I know it will be fixed and soon
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All these changes in the NMM are welcomed.


However, for the time being I just CAN'T upgrade it right now. Some of us have several hundreds of mods installed, but the risky business begins when you start tweaking files that no mod includes or mixing skeletons with textures for your custom races.


Going all over again through the fomod wizards is the least of my concerns. But in order to get the new mod install mode to work I think I'll have to backup my entire Skyrim folder and proceed carefully.


This is as far as I went with the new NMM install. Maybe there's a feature that will keep my tweaked files and settings intact (specially when I have tuned some mods), but I didn't made the jump so I can't say more.


Again, thanks to the NMM developers for adding all these new features. When I got some free time, I'll sort it out with version 0.60 and get it to work as intended.

Edited by dragongrunt
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Updating is not required. You can still use the older version if you choose. Not supported just means the older version will no longer be getting regular updates as we just don't have the staff available to keep up with multiple versions. No updates also means it will not be updated to work with FO4 or any other new games that come out.


I still use the old OBMM to manage Oblivion, Even though it is supported by NMM. running them both has not been a problem. I just don;t use the NMM for Oblivion.


You can use both the old and new versions - rename one of them ( preferably the old one as renaming the new version will cause problems with future updates) And install the new in a different folder ( having both in the same folder will cause confusion) The new version will try to find your older games, just let it, it is not going to make any changes until you actually open that game using the new version, and then it will ask permission before doing anything.


The big lesson here is don't just click yes to every pop up you see. READ them, Then wait and let what you read percolate through your brain cells for a minute before doing something you might regret.

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In response to post #29074009. #29076249 is also a reply to the same post.

Gedisee wrote: Do I loose any progress of a questmod when I update?
CaedesAposis wrote: I doubt it, but I would hesitate to update at this time. If the uninstall/reinstall crashes during the process that questmod you have in might break and thus, you would lose all progress.

So don't update unless you are POSITIVE you understand what you are about to do and at least understand that something might possibly go wrong that would cause you to have to reinstall mods by hand and/or start at scratch and reinstall the whole go.

Thanks for the awnser. I'll try my best ^^
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I'm one of those who mildly scrutinized the red-text disclaimer warning me about the update uninstalling all my mods, before I trustingly agreed. Found out later after the reinstalling process that it left out about 10 different mods, so I had to chase those esps down. Then I found out about the missing textures - not all, but some! And my overwritten categorized favorites settings..


All in all, it took about four hours work before I could play again. Learned later that I'm apparently one of the lucky ones ;D


Still, the update could have been worse and I'm glad I went ahead with it. Thank you, NMM, for all your hard work! I know it couldn't have been easy considering the storm that went down after. In retrospect, yeah, I definitely should have read the article before hitting that big red Yes button ;)

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Please, please, please, please... Let this be the last update in which I have to completely reinstall my Skyrim and all the mods entirely from scratch. I did it with the last update along with a single shrug, but again? If I have to go through this 15-hour process of setting everything up right again, I am pretty sure my mind will break and I will have to force myself to go over to Mod Organizer, which I really don't want to... :P
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In response to post #29098379.

bben46 wrote:

Updating is not required. You can still use the older version if you choose. Not supported just means the older version will no longer be getting regular updates as we just don't have the staff available to keep up with multiple versions. No updates also means it will not be updated to work with FO4 or any other new games that come out.


I still use the old OBMM to manage Oblivion, Even though it is supported by NMM. running them both has not been a problem. I just don;t use the NMM for Oblivion.


You can use both the old and new versions - rename one of them ( preferably the old one as renaming the new version will cause problems with future updates) And install the new in a different folder ( having both in the same folder will cause confusion) The new version will try to find your older games, just let it, it is not going to make any changes until you actually open that game using the new version, and then it will ask permission before doing anything.


The big lesson here is don't just click yes to every pop up you see. READ them, Then wait and let what you read percolate through your brain cells for a minute before doing something you might regret.

Why are you being so condescending? People are 100x more upset by the attitude of the moderators (as well as the site owner) throughout all this than they are about having to troubleshoot issues with the update. You're supposed to rise above your detractors, not stoop below their level. It's just so unprofessional and off-putting. By now you guys HAVE to realize that this should have been handled differently, and that instead of screaming "You're to blame because you didn't read closely enough", you should be saying "We're sorry for the inconvenience, and are working hard to correct the issue" like any other professional business that isn't actually trying to go bankrupt.
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In response to post #29061544.

GorrWarrior wrote: When I get a new HD I partition it. Like, 100 gigs for C drive...OS games progs etc. Then I use the rest for D drive and store all my data on there including acronis drive images. I don't know if anyone else does this anymore. I remember using Fdisk in the old days lol. There have been numerous times I have messed up my game for whatever reason...but acronis saved the day..just a suggestion to guys that lost their games..make a whole partition back up.

This! 100% agree. If you are not backing up your game directory, then a disaster like this is bound to happen one way or another, sooner or later. Acronis is an awesome all around backup tool and works great for this purpose. In addition to the the game direcory, I also include in the backup:
- NMM's game directory which has the "Install Info" and "Mods" directories
- "My Games" which has your save games and preference ini files
- "C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\<game> (this has plugins.txt and/or loadorder.txt depending on the game)

The cool thing about Acronis is that you can make progressive backups where only the changes are backed up. Disk space is cheap and doing this is definitely worth it in my opinion.
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Not sure how I feel about the condescending tone... Not like it's ever been any different. I'm sure the features are worth the trouble, though.


But new features for NMM seem less important in contrast with the way you and your "staff" (mods) conduct yourselves. This site has gotten big enough, in my opinion, to start acting professional. Just seems you guys are quick to chuck weird insults at people who are supposedly being childish (they might not be as familiar with the programs as you) and getting upset, the people that very well could be donating (you know, the donations you need to stay live). Haha, but your mods are even quicker to ban people, it would seem.


All in all, if the consumers aren't treated decent (and I'm not even one of those "the customer is always right" kinda guys), then a competitor who knows better could easily steal your traffic. The elitist club won't last very long, then, as it's the masses who are your staple.


Just my opiniooooon, don't go out and make a thread about how ignorant I am, please. ;)

Edited by Tabub2001
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