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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I bought Skyrim about a month after it came out and by a year later I was modding. This has become a huge hobby for me and quite obviously has saved me a ton of money in games. If I were to compare what I have spent in donations VS. how much I usually paid for games during that time I've come out way, way, way ahead. So I hope you guys at the Nexus understand how (at least) one guy feels about what you do and what you provide. So saying "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" isn't enough, but its a start. And for anyone reading this that actually took the time to make negative comments...stop for a second to think about what YOU put into this and what YOU get out of it...and grow up. Its because of people like you that the world has Nukes.
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In response to post #28955749.

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I doubt it is related to Windows 10. I have Windows 10 and everything seems fine. Your issue is probably elsewhere. Edited by Elgar82
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In response to post #28955749. #28957674 is also a reply to the same post.

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I also doubt it's Win 10 related in itself. I run Win 10 and things seems just fine for me as well.
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hit no, let it uninstall everything. Go to reinstall the mods i know i use now, before starting up the game i check my folders and there is nothing, just empty folders made by the mods with no texture files no mesh files nothing just all empty, thanks a lot guys, never updating my mod manager again. Edited by Jeimuzu17
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In response to post #28955749. #28957674, #28958254 are all replies on the same post.

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Have to disagree, at least in my case, I've only had minor problems having more to do with my mods then NMM. Currently using 60.8 beta.
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This update completely f*#@ed everyone over who had mods installed separate of NMM. This whole "you should've read the changelog" is a rather shoddy excuse as well. I don't read the changelog for every piece of software I use because generally I don't expect the software to completely break the programs it interacts with after an update. "Its a beta" isn't really an excuse either considering that

A. The vast majority of the NMM userbase don't understand the implications of a beta

B. This update wasn't really a "Beta" update considering it both added features and vastly changed how certain things work. To my understanding programs in the Beta state of development are usually considered to be undergoing the streamlining of features as well as bugfixes.


I understand that there was a pop up saying that I'd need to reinstall my mods, but I was under the impression that it would simply put the files back into place after the update rather the making my reload every single plugin out of order. The automatic reinstallation system was functionally useless because it paid no head to install order and simply created a mess of overlapping and conflicting mods which as I've previously stated completely broke my game.


Honestly you should expect quite a bit of hate mail from the average end user when you release an update thats basically "update the program and uninstall everything for all the games that use NMM to handle mods and then have to manually fix everything" or "Download and update the program but have to use the last iteration of the software anyways"

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I don't understand why everyone is having huge issues. The migration worked flawlessly for me. I have 175 mods so it took sitting over night for it to finish, but it worked fine. I have a feeling, and know from personal experience with dozens of other computers, that a lot of people have poorly maintained computers, but get in a rage when someone tells them it is. Hard drives are heavily fragmented, all their files are a huge freaking mess, spyware and malware are eating away at their computer like a buffet, and everything is poorly optimized, they have corrupted system files, the list goes on. A lot of these same people have also never formatted their computer in years, never restarted or downloaded windows updates in months because they're too impatient or lazy to do it, or have very old hardware.


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