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how to rename a mods file extension from .zip to .esp?


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i found this mod called passive soulreavers (passive soulgem cliffracers) on mystaras mw links list linking to funky bobs mod page. mwmythicmods.com

which says in order for you to download it he had to rename the files extension to .zip from .esp

how do i rename it so i can open it to see what it is?

i never ran into a mod that had to be renamed before you could use it.

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If they really "renamed" it from .esp to .zip, instead of just packaging the .esp "into" a .zip archive as usual, you should be able to change the file extension in your OS' Windows Explorer.

If you click twice, "not" double-click, on a file in there, its filename turns into an input field and the name part before the extension is highlighted. You can then, of course, also change the extension at the same time.

Or you can right-click the file in question and select anything along the lines of "rename" from the list of actions it presents you.


It'll be way too different from Windows version to Windows version for me to give you "all" possibilities or a step-by-step, but it's one of the most basic file interaction and management tasks to be done in Windows Explorer, and should be anything but hard to figure out.


edit: Oh, but keep in mind these OS are usually configured so they won't "show" you all the known file extensions by default. I'm not sure if that negatively affects your ability to "change" them, actually rather doubt it, but if it really does, this needs to be changed in the Windows Explorer's visibility settings first as well.

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derp my bad) here- morrowindmods.freewebspace.com it is called funky bobs mods for morrowind and the

mod is in the cheat type mods list. also i tried the constrution set but it not find the .rar/.zip (?)

been a long week and sometimes my ocd gets the better of me)

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Why do you insist on using any Unzipper, UnRARer or Un-whatever-er on this file, which you yourself specifically told us in the beginning is "not" a ZIP but just a "renamed" ESP?

Why don't you just "rename" it back to what it was before, like instructed by, by now, at least myself and Dragon32?

Why do you still insist on trying to open it with anything else but the Construction Set or the game? It was "you" who told us it's just an ESP, only "renamed" into ZIP so it could be uploaded. No packaging program, like this ZipGenius or WinRAR or whatever, can open an ESP, only the Construction Set or the game can.


I apologize, if I'm coming across condescending or offensive or anything, I really am not. I'm just really confused now why "you", who told us yourself that this is an ESP, are still trying to use it as "something else" instead?

Maybe the inherent problem lies within this line "how do i rename it so i can open it to see what it is?"? Because you can't "open" an Elder Scrolls Plugin to see what it is, unless you know how to inspect these with the Construction Set that shipped with the game or feel like trying it out ingame yourself to find out. It isn't an archive. The ZIP file you download isn't an archive. It cannot be "extracted". There's nothing "inside" it which you could look into. It's just a file, once renamed back to ".esp" ready to be put into your "data" folder and played, or opened with the Construction Set and examined yourself instead.


I hope it's making sense now. And again I'm sorry, if I sound like petting, schooling or maybe even insulting. I really am not.

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