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Norton Safeweb's hijacking site entry to 'Dangerous Website Blocked' needs sorted


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Norton 360 is producing this on trying to access the site




This is the listed cause


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Can you please put them straight?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That file is in the wastebin for a reason. If Norton hadn't hauled it out and showed it to everyone You would not even be able to see it as the wastebin is not visible to anyone but staff. Doh! Thanks for digging through the trash Norton. :pinch:

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Ok, well, something is obviously wrong with the security profile on the wastebin folder. It correctly challenges for authorization when hitting http://www.nexusmods.com/wastebin/ like it should, but if you click to the file itself, the system simply offers to let you download it. That authorization challenge needs to come up for anything linked there, then Norton (or any other bad bot for that matter) won't be able to find it.

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