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Aspiring Mod Creator, looking for Learning Resources


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I thought you were looking for something else. Oh anyways. Look up the scripting tutorial on skyrim ck website, will tell you the stuff you need. What do you wanna do anyways?


BTW, why staves on back? Why not spell tomes on belts, back, left hand etc? There is a book holder with that bag mod that you can use as master. It more fitting I mean.



I never said anything about staves on back.




Idle animations for walking and standing with the staff. It'd look kind of silly wielding it combat-ready in the middle of the market, or college courtyard. Also, I'm tired of staves vanishing into the nether upon being sheathed.


(Project in question, Classical Staff Overhaul)

Maybe I wasn't clear. But I meant for the player character to simply hold it in hand as they're idle, walking, or running and sheathed. Like a sheild.


In any case, that's polish more than anything. That'll be last of the last if I ever manage to get this to work. I want to alter the vanilla staves in-game, add the new equipment-style staves, and get casting work work with the staff in-hand. Details. Those are my fundamental goals.

Edited by Voltage_Joe
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Thanks for the links. I'll look those over once I'm at home on my work station.


Are there any resources you know of for scripting and Papyrus? I think some light scripting will really make this project work, but so far I haven't been able to find any solid resources for that.



Here's a basic guide to scripting that I found from Cipscis.


Here's a nice forum at TESAlliance.


doughamil has some tutorials on scripting.

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I've got a guide called Modding Skyrim: Modder's Edition and a Scripter's Edition will be coming out shortly, if that interests you.

That sounds good. Definitely interested.



Here's a basic guide to scripting that I found from Cipscis.


Here's a nice forum at TESAlliance.


doughamil has some tutorials on scripting.



You're awesome. Thanks!


Unless you have never seen a script of any programming language in your life, I don't think scripting tutorials are of much use to begin with (not that you would need them for what you want to accomplish). I'd rather check out the ck wiki + scripts from mods / vanilla scripts to see and learn what they do and how they do what they do.


That being said there are script guides which cover papyrus functions more indepthly which can be useful as there are occasionally some "hidden features" of papyrus which need to be taken into account when scripting.


On a related note, I have a hard time finding answers related to nifskope/mesh problems. More often than not, google finds me a post from one person having the same issue with no replies. -_-

I do have a bit of programming knowledge. As a student in web design, the code I deal with is never as tricky as Papyrus, but I think I can make it work with a little patience.

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