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How to make the game treat a custom race as a pre-set race.


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Hey guys, I was going to necro this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1392870-how-to-make-npcs-treat-custom-race-ningheim-as-nord/ which is about the exact same thing, but I'm pretty sure that's not allowed here.


Basically I'm using a custom race that, for all intents and purposes, is just a slightly altered high elf. I'm wondering if there's any way to make the game "think" that I'm playing as a high elf instead of a custom race. Specifically, I want the people in the tutorial to refer to me as an altmer, I want the guards to say "speak, elf" when they address me, I want any sort of dialogue regarding my race to refer to me as an altmer. Is this possible? If so, how would one do this? The previous thread never fully answered the question so I figured I'd ask again.


Thanks in advance!

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That easy, look up quest modding for conditions. Will take you 5 minutes. Not scripting, but a drop down menu.


"speak, elf" has race conditions, it that means it comes up when you an elf. There conditions for locations, armor, gender, player actions etc

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That easy, look up quest modding for conditions. Will take you 5 minutes. Not scripting, but a drop down menu.


"speak, elf" has race conditions, it that means it comes up when you an elf. There conditions for locations, armor, gender, player actions etc

I'm sorry, I'm really new to altering my game in any way. I mostly just download mods. Do you have any more specific details on how to accomplish this? I'm looking at the races in the creation kit right now and I haven't seen anything stick out to me.


Thanks for your help!

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Nothing sticks out because they are not there.

You will have to look up quest making the Skyrim ck website, which explains them in the middle of this page http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Dialogue

Another tool is to use find in the toolbar, it looks up the text you type in game dialogue and makes it tad easier.


So there's no way to make the game automatically recognize my character as a different race? I have to add in everything manually?

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