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What are your favorite builds that take advantage of mods?


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My favorite is Arcane Assassin.

I use Bound Weapon Redux and Enchanted Bound Weapons and ABT. Since the build can be effective with the 1st few perks in MM, Conjuration to a minimum of Oblivion Binding, Enchanted Bound Weapons give health absorb and elemental damage as well as picking up the freebie Soul Trap, they really work well. It's never as much damage as what can be done through over-tempering, but it will allow you to fight Against any mob on any difficulty once you get a few perks up. Plus in the later game you also have the advantage of stronger summonings if you have the Perks to spare.


The reason I like this build is that it's light weight, I don't worry about ammo or recharging weapons. The Damage is not awesome but doable, but the bound bow more than makes up with it in accuracy and speed. Outside of Dragonrend, The bound bow is one of my better ways of combating dragons in the sky.

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That's a very interesting idea.


I tend to create builds based on AD&D First Edition/2nd edit/3.5E classes in a Daggerfall/Morrowind style. Cleric, Ranger, Illusionist/Assassin (Nightblade), Fighter/Mage (Spellsword) etc.


My first character was a kind of Druid type which I called a Nord Rune Witch or Rune Mother. The main mod "exploits" for that (although it was not conscious) were:


Multiple Magelight, which allows... well, multiple Mage Lights to be cast in caverns etc, because they should not cancel each other;

Conjuration Madness, which allows a lot more animals and elemental types to be summoned;

Multi-Runes, of which there are several mods, so I could cast several Destruction Runes as traps, which was kind of her theme. She specialised in Fire and Lightning, which was the First Edition AD&D Druid's "thing".


I also generally can never play without SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Wet and Cold and Frostfall - Hypothermia, which greatly enhance the Wilderness experience in Skyrim, which I love more than the main quest. To me, they are as essential as SkyUI, the Unofficial Patches and Arthmoor's When Dragons Attack, Run for your Lives and The Paarthurnax Dilemma. Also, Pocket Empire Builder and a good camping mod let's me make temporary camp or even build entire stockades for my 15 UFO followers. Leave most of them there, come back, and they have chopped a ton of wood and mined all the ore in the area.


In keeping with Ye Olde Schoole AD&D Druids, she did not use Necromancy at all or Restoration above a certain level, or any anti-Undead or anti-Daedra spells as that is the Cleric's thing. Only animals, natural monsters and Atronachs (which I treat as Elementals rather than Daedra but, hey, poetic licence). But I did eventually make a mod that inserted a quest to find three old Druid Alteration spells, Sun, Moon and Star, based on Candlelight and Magelight, with different colours and effects.


Starlight lights up all Undead in the area and causes a slow burn effect,

Moonlight mesmerises and fascinates them all and they stop and stare at it,

Sunlight creates a huge burst of Sunray that burns all Undead in the area and sets them on fire, because Druids just should have these spells.


Later, I discovered several specifically Druid overhaul mods, which are pretty good.


Eventually, she maxed out as a Rune Witch and started operating as a Ranger. This was all before they introduced the Legendary levels, where you could reset skills back to level 1 and rise again.



Another favourite character was a Dunmer Bard.

She used:

Malukah's versions of all the songs

Playable Instruments - Play and Bash

Become a Bard

and a mod that allowed you to sleep in the beds when you joined the Bard's College at Solitude (although I am not sure if that ever worked properly).


Play and Bash and Become a Bard complement each other very well as they work in different ways but I found they worked together really well.


With Become a Bard, she could play and sing for her supper and never have to pay for an inn, made a little cash and got some free food and beer, more as her Bard Rep increased. The mod includes a large number of songs and music from each province of Tamriel.


With Play and Bash, in keeping with AD&D First Edition Bards, the craftable instruments of that mod could mimic:


Drums of Panic
Flute of Harmony
Lute of Fury
I made several 10 second sound files for these which worked really well for casting the spell effects. Play and Bash never fully implemented this, which is a great shame. She tended not to use the instruments as weapons for hitting people.
As the only way I could find to do this was to replace:
Drums of Panic
Lute of Fury
Flute of Harmony
the Bards in inns and taverns also play the same sound files when they are playing background instrumental music, but luckily do not cast the magickal effects. When they sing, they sing Malukah's versions, which is fine by me.
I can't upload them here due to "copyright". Obviously, a 10 second snippet is never going to lose money for any artist or recording company, but could inspire new sales. But rules is roolz and logic need not apply.
The only "issue" with Play and Bash is that you have to be careful not to use the Lute of Fury or Drums of Panic in a public place, as NPCs and guards can go hostile and slaughter the whole town if they fail their saving throw.
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I just started a new save. I usually don't do Vampire or traditional mage type. But this time, I went with Harkon's offer. And went up the left and right sides of the Conjuration tree. Almost solely on conj. I am running with the revised Coldharbor Summons mod. I have to say, I really like it. I am using it in conjunction with my own little conjuration mod that allows for more than 2 souls at Master, I made it so the number of summons slowly increases as you level and caps at either 5 or 10 souls. My character is not independently strong. but between multiple summons and a few vampire follower mods, I am playing the mastermind type game. My biggest challenge is finding a good place to hide and spam atronachs. LOL. This is actually fun. I am OP in 1 aspect yet I cannot afford to take even 1 hit from stronger mobs.

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