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Looking for super easy ideas


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How about getting rid of Serana's f*****g Ice Storm Spell from here leveling script! Or better yet, make Ice Storm a player only spell. I'm so sick of being hit from behind by followers who couldn't hit the wall of the blue palace from inside it ! (and Illia is just as bad with that b****y spell!)


I hope everything is in order. Please do let me know if I missed any.

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Well, take a dragon skull and attach it to handle for a cool warhammer shaped as a dragon.

I'm pretty sure someone was already doing something like that ... Or maybe it was a Dragon Skull Staff??? I remember seeing a post in the Mod Help section, they couldn't seem to get it quite right, but it looked pretty cool.

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  • 1 month later...

ive a very simple one:

Sovngarde is empty - where are all the great warriors? the interior, the meadhall should be full of people, wenches, eating and dinking, maybe with some small arena in one wing, where the heroes play some battle. The hall should be immersed in golden light, and full of life - finally the characters could look more like ghosts than normal NPCs.

Ops… i realized maybe its not so simple :D

Dude, do what you can ! even modding should be fun.

Edited by Altamosnar
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