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New Requests Forum


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This new forum has been created to discuss modding ideas and make requests to authors. This should see the disolution of the current mod request thread and enable deeper conversation into individual requests.


If someone wants to write up a suggestion thread for ettiquete on making requests then please go ahead (plix make it good!) and it may well get a sticky. Else I'll do one or give Switch to get post count + 1 without spamming (for once) ;)

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Good idea!


A few things:

  • If you are requesting an armor, make sure you provide screenshots or give an accurate description.
  • We've seen a million final fantasy armor requests already. Don't expect an answer, they don't fit in the world of oblivion and are difficult to make.
  • The chance your request is answered will be larger if you are asking for something that fits in Oblivion. FF armors don't fit in oblivion.
  • Don't post your request again if you didn't get an answer. Your request is either too difficult, impossible or not interesting for modders.
  • Like Peregrine said: Nobody owes you anything. We don't have endless free time just praying someone gives us an idea to work on.
  • Please be original. We've all heard the 'I want a mod that makes you the emperor' and 'I want a large scale war between two parties of 50 npc's and you can join one' requests already.

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Split off the off-topic posts.


Else I'll do one or give Switch to get post count + 1 without spamming (for once) ;)

I resent that. :P

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This is a great idea! Half the people with ridiculous requests didn't post them in the thread anyway. :D


I give Dark0ne a kudos. Maybe the modding forum will now be about mods that are actually happening, instead of ones that are never in a million years going to occur.

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