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TES V: what do you want to see?


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You know what id like to see? A total Remake of Daggerfall. Daggerfall was good. But it would be badass with the graphics of oblivion or better...


I'd rather see a new version of Morrowind. The enviroments, the great houses, the story (maybe not the same, preferably after the... incident with a certain heart).

Heck, I'm happy if they even make TES: V.

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-Sepperate Gauntlets(right and left)

-Better beggining


What was wrong with the normal one? Can't see any problems there.

But I do want the old equipment style they had in Morrowind, with seperate guantlets and pauldrons. Maybe even boots? Who knows... :ph34r:

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-Sepperate Gauntlets(right and left)

-Better beggining


What was wrong with the normal one? Can't see any problems there.

But I do want the old equipment style they had in Morrowind, with seperate guantlets and pauldrons. Maybe even boots? Who knows... :ph34r:

Walk around for an hour with a sandal on one foot, and a hiking boot on the other. Then come back and tell us if you still want separate boots.


The ability to have a separate enchantment for each boot, on the other hand, could be nice. I rather liked my "Hand of Fire/Hand of Frost" pair of touch-damage extravagant gloves, and I'm sure something similarly appropriate could be found for footwear.

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-Sepperate Gauntlets(right and left)

-Better beggining


What was wrong with the normal one? Can't see any problems there.

But I do want the old equipment style they had in Morrowind, with seperate guantlets and pauldrons. Maybe even boots? Who knows... :ph34r:

Walk around for an hour with a sandal on one foot, and a hiking boot on the other. Then come back and tell us if you still want separate boots.


The ability to have a separate enchantment for each boot, on the other hand, could be nice. I rather liked my "Hand of Fire/Hand of Frost" pair of touch-damage extravagant gloves, and I'm sure something similarly appropriate could be found for footwear.

If everyone is quibbling over separate gauntlets in order to open up more equipment slots, let me propose a far easier fix: the index and ring fingers on each hand are of similar size, so a ring fit to the one will fit well for the other... four rings total, two to each hand. Sensible expansion of equipment slots without falling into the trap of excessive Bling-Bling.

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-Sepperate Gauntlets(right and left)

-Better beggining


What was wrong with the normal one? Can't see any problems there.

But I do want the old equipment style they had in Morrowind, with seperate guantlets and pauldrons. Maybe even boots? Who knows... :ph34r:


The normal beggining took to long. Reading the manual on the way home summed it all up for me. Plus pretty much everything is the same as in morrowind(Except spell casting). I thought was kinda boring too. But thats just me. I like quick simplae explanations.

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The normal beggining took to long. Reading the manual on the way home summed it all up for me. Plus pretty much everything is the same as in morrowind(Except spell casting). I thought was kinda boring too. But thats just me. I like quick simplae explanations.

Because it's "pretty much the same as Morrowind" doesn't mean they shouldn't have a tutorial. Oblivion was aimed at the larger, action, console group, many of whom haven't played Morrowind. If Oblivion was aimed at the majority Morrowind fan-base, then it would have focused more on story not graphics. However, I do not like the "in-game tutorial." It kind of ruins the roleplaying factor when I can't do something in the beginning because they haven't told me how to yet. I would prefer an out of game tutorial where you are given a premade character who goes through a tutorial dungeon learning everything. They should leave the main game alone.


As for separated armour, I couldn't agree more. I want pauldrons separated from the cuirass (also separate from each other), and I want gauntelts separate from each other, just like in Morrowind. They should also make the player choose if they want their character to be right-handed or left-handed. Then some people could hold their shield in their right hand and sword in the left. That would be nice. I also want dual wielding, and more combative shields. It would be cool to smash people with your shield as if it was a normal attack.

Also, I want separate damage, too. For example, plate armour can easily deflect swords and spears, but a warhammer would crush it like a tin can. In Oblivion, plate armour (or at least the equivilent to it) defends just as well against blunt weapons as they do blades.

It would also be nice to have a strength requirement on weapons. It doesn't seem to realistic for a character with a pathetic 30 strength score to swing a claymore just as powerful and quickly as someone with two or even three times as much strength. Along with that, there should be some weapons like a male without a father sword which would be wielded with two hands if your strength is below a certain amount, but only weilded with one hand if it's above that number. Then you would truly feel like you actually were getting stonger.


One more thing, get rid of the d*mn leveled monsters/loot. That was the stupidest idea Bethesda came up with.

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Here's my wish list:


1. A quicker beginning. If people are stupid enough not to read the manual to learn how to do stuff, or can't go over the controls and change them so they're easier, they shouldn't play the game.


A "Training" option in the menu, like in Deus Ex, would be nice for people who are that dumb. At least we wouldn't have to go through pointless topics like "How do I swing my sword?".


2. Not being able to block arrows with bows. Arrows go past the bow.


3. Tower shields. It would seem better to block arrows with these.


4. Not being hurt by arrows that hit your shield. Especially a metal shield!


5. More stuff for the archer. Short bows would be nice, without having to go get a mod.


6. Being able to change a Khajiit's fur color. I know, I know, Khajiit aren't supposed to be black, but I never heard about the Daedric Prince of Order until Shivering Isles was announced.


7. Like mentioned before, an evil alternative to the main quest (like joining the Mythic Dawn, but related the the game).


8. Different voices for each race. Aw, Bethesda will have to spend more money and put [insert game title here] on more DVDs, and raise the price on the game, boo hoo!


9. Using telekinesis as a weapon. You can throw a war hammer at an enemy to knock them out, or throw a sword at an enemy to injure them, and stuff like that (stick a fork in someone's eye!).


10. More radiant AI. How can a guard stand five feet in front of me and not detect me?


11. We can figure out what to do if we read the actual document. So why does our journal have to tell us what to do? Get rid of that. Just give us some kind of sign that the quest has updated, like a journal entry saying "[quest name] was updated" or something.


12. Being able to get drunk. What's the point of having alcohol in a game if you can't get drunk?


13. Cats and dogs. The only pets I've seen are just wolves renamed "Dog" or "[name of dog]". The size of rats can be decreased (a lot) and instead of them attacking you, make them run away.


14. When summoning a Daedra lord, make them appear in front of you and talk to you like you would talk to an NPC.


15. Bring spears back.


16. Horse combat, as well.


17. Be able to press and hold the cast button for elemental attacks. It could be like a flame thrower, or a blizzard, or a lightning storm. And make it show all of the effects being casted, like in Morrowind, but can work with this system. You could create a small storm over where your cross hair is pointing, for example.


18. Being able to push or pull the target. Also, create a spell effect that blows a target all over the place. That way you could truly create a storm.


19. Be able to be damaged by the area spells you cast if you're in the blast radius.


20. Bring levitation and mark and recall back. But be able to set "Recall points" to recall to. You can have up to 20 Recall points (that should be enough), and when you cast Recall, click on which recall point you want to go to.


21. Let the add item cheat be like it was in Morrowind. It's easier to memorize that way.


22. Show all the weapons you have equipped on your person (you can click up to five items, a bow counts as half a slot, arrows take up another half, so a set of a bow and arrows take up one slot). The other weapons you have will be stored in your abnormally deep pockets.


23. More weapon types. The weapons added in Oblivion (like Elven weapons can stay, but the Dwemer weapons should be like they were in Morrowind, but keep the Longsword). After all, weapons and armor can get brought over from other provinces.


24. Rename stuff. Dwarven armor and weapons should be called "Dwemer", Elven armor and weapons should be called "Ayleid", Blades armor should be called "Akaviri", and others, but those were all I could think of.


25. Actually train. If you're training for a weapon skill, the trainer could equip you with wooden weapons (they don't do damage) and you could attack away.


26. Make it so you can join the Imperial Legion, and you can defend the province's cities against bandits/marauders to get money, but add quests like in Morrowind.


27. Do away with unplayable armor. There's no point in it, and you can get a stronger/enchanted version of the armor as a reward (like you do in Shivering Isles).


28. Change the Argonian and Khajiit feet back to how they were in Morrowind, but make different versions of the boots/shoes you put on to fit the Khajiit/Argonian feet (it could be like with male/female clothing, so you don't have to look everywhere for special stuff).


29. If every race gets a new voice, don't make the Wood Elves have their pathetic voices they had in Morrowind. The elven voices they have right now are good.


30. Add a key assignment that allows you to check the time without pressing T or going to look at your map.


31. You should be able to use special Dwemer/Elven/whatever things you find. For example, you could look for parts to build a mech in Dwemer ruins and use the mech as transportation. And, if you're attacked in the wilderness, you can use guns to kill the bandits/whatever that attacked you. You would need to look for more ammo in Dwemer ruins unless you find some Ayleid upgrade that can magically regenerate your ammo supply in the mech. You can also get a speed enhancement to make your mech run faster and magical armor to protect your mech from breaking down. If your mech breaks down, you would have to find stuff to fix it with, or if it's destroyed, you can salvage the parts and weld them back together if you find a welder. Before it breaks, you can repair it from time to time.


That would be so cool!


32. How about using torches as weapons? With a torch equipped, you could press the "Ready weapon" button and it could ask you if you want to use the torch as a weapon. It would do fire damage. And being able to use shields as weapons. If you don't have a weapon equipped, you could use the shield as one with the same system as the torch (you would do blunt damage). If showing all of your equipped weapons isn't possible (refer to #22), let us equip 2 weapons. The second one you equip would bring up a menu asking if you want to use it as a shield or a weapon.


Well, that's my wish list so far.


Wow, I don't think that's enough (sarcasm)!

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