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TES V: what do you want to see?


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I don't know if I could possibly add any new suggestions to all that has already been said but I think they should study carefully all the great mods (like the top 100 list) and incorporate them in some way or another. I personally would like to see a greater variety of dragons that are more like the traditional medieval-ish style. Ones like out of the Might and Magic 6 game and the OLD D&D games from l-o-o-o-n-g ago (mid '80s). They had different levels, intelligence, magic, LOTS of treasure... yes, I am an old player :rolleyes: .


I DO love this game! :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Also, using the physics engine from Dark Messiah. The fighting was awesome in that. Picking up stuff and throwing Orcs off of cliffs.

I didn't like the view (I like Oblivion MUCH better). So a mix of the two physics engines would be cool.

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Fewer Bugs! :wallbash:

This is the crashiest game I ever played!

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Bethesda, you should not be programming in C++!



Actually I played the Vanilla game for 300+ hours and not once did it ever crash on me. The crashing began when I install all of the official expansions and patched up to 1.2 but even then it was rare. After I started using player made mods that is when things took a turn for the worse. But since then I have learned to optimize my computer and Oblivion so that 9 times out of ten I crash while playtesting my mods or trying to get two mods made by two different people to work together. I am currently running over a hundred mods totaling over 20gigs of new content on ShiveringIsles 1.2 with OBSE. This is a completely stable configuration (though I did have to alter some of the mods to eliminate conflicts) and in 200+ hours I have not had a single crash. Although I have lost count of the times I've crashed getting to this point and several of my must have favs have been updated so it's back to hanging with Sir Crash Alot. Just about the time I get back to a stable configuration these mod making fanatics will release a whole slew of new updates and here we go again. So yeah the game is really flawed but what do you expect when 5000 people collaborate on a programming venture without ever speaking to each other. All in all I think it's worth it and I for one am having a blast so Thank You Bethesda, I love you despite your obvious short comings.

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This is the crashiest game I ever played!

That is probably your hardware and not Oblivion's software. Your system probably doesn't, or just barely, meets the minimum requirements, and, therefore, can't handle Oblivion very well.

OR, you just downloaded some really buggy mods.

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I don't know if I could possibly add any new suggestions to all that has already been said but I think they should study carefully all the great mods (like the top 100 list) and incorporate them in some way or another. I personally would like to see a greater variety of dragons that are more like the traditional medieval-ish style. Ones like out of the Might and Magic 6 game and the OLD D&D games from l-o-o-o-n-g ago (mid '80s). They had different levels, intelligence, magic, LOTS of treasure... yes, I am an old player :rolleyes: .
Also, using the physics engine from Dark Messiah. The fighting was awesome in that. Picking up stuff and throwing Orcs off of cliffs.

I didn't like the view (I like Oblivion MUCH better). So a mix of the two physics engines would be cool.


Lots of Dragons? Ok if you knew the lore you'd know that's not going to happen. Bethesda would never blatantly ignore the very element this series is built on. And a very large cross section of the community are fanatical about the lore. I'm not one of them as I would like to see something like that in TES V, but I am also not impractical and what I would ask of Bethesda is to make modding the game easier for us. I promise you that this will be the case. If you stick with Oblivion and become proficient at modding the game (you got about 2-4 years) then when TES V does come out you will be ready to make all your dreams come true and lots of others too by creating and placing the dragons you desire in game.


Do not ask for that which you already possess


As for the new physics engine I do believe Bethesda has found the best way to develop a game of this scale and that is to leave the game engine to a third party and concentrate on the content. The third party in question is Havok. Now when Bethesda adopted Gamebryo way back in the Morrowind days it was just an idddy biddy baby and my look how it has grown. Not many people will complain about the mesh and texture system for Oblivion as they once did for Morrowind. That is because Gamebryo came back to the table with plenty for everyone and now we see that they are in it for the long haul and will continue to innovate as that is Bethesda's mission statement. Now their latest adoptee, Havok has big shoes to fill when it comes to big brother Gamebryo but rest assured, they are eating their wheaties and will come back to the table a big strapping lad that will wow us all. Also given Bethesda's past I think It is safe to assume that TES V will break new ground just as it's predecessors did in their time. Look for something entirely new(most likely involving the modding aspect of the game) and brought to us by Bethesda's latest adoptee. I wonder who it could be and what they will bring? We will have to wait at least a year for that announcement .

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I don't really think that's worth it, considering the sacrifices required for such a thing.


Why sacrifice? Why can't we have it all? I have already gone in to great detail on my theory of what TES V will encompass in post #212 on page 22 of this topic. As well as getting side tracked on my unhealthy obsession with crushing the myth that you will need an uber computer to run it.


I was traipsing around the web doing various research on different projects and decided to stop by the Bethesda Blog as I had not been there in over a month. Wouldn't you know it, I had missed an interview with Silgrad Tower project leader Razorwing and he revealed that his team member Sandor has scripted a seamless transition between Cyrodil and Morrowind. So you see it's possible even with Tes IV to link several worlds together on one map, technically creating the continent of Tamriel as a whole. Now imagine Bethesda creating a base game and construction set to suit those ends. It would be a system that could be added to one province at a time, each with it's own main quest. Once the continent is full a main quest that makes all the others secondary could then be introduced that ties all the others together and what better place to center that than outside of Tameriel in a place such Akaviri.


If you have any information I may not have taken in to account then please, enlighten me. I'm always interested in obtaining new data, especially on this subject.

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