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TES V: what do you want to see?


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In Tes: V I,d Love To See The The Choice Of Which God You Want To Be Or Daedric Prince!!! Or Even Maybe Be Online Fighting Each Other. "Thats All I Have To Say"


Basically i want ESV to be more like Demon's Souls where they got a combat system that is similar to what you said, But I believe Online Gaming would ruin the Elder Scrolls since it would take away the aspect that you are the sole hero but if they use a similar system to Demon Souls where other players can leave notes behind to either help or warn the player about what around the corner.


Graphics, i want it to be amazing, mind blowing and realistic,


Like Oblivion, it should be a Sandbox game with countless quests to complete but i think the player's action should play out the game, the eviler you are, the more harder and punishing but more rewarding the game will be and vice verser.


And a note for all of you, Play Demon's Souls, You will love it

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a main quest that lets you to choose between good or evil


Servant of the Dawn lets you choose not to be a good guy.


more guilds (Imperial Legion, Cammona Tong, Morag(sic?) Tong, Imperial Cult, Great Houses, others?)

There are mods that add new guilds, But yes I agree more guilds would be good.


horse combat

I believe I saw a mod that adds Horse Combat, I think it was Deadly Reflex



There's a mod that adds Crossbows.


ability to toggle essential NPCs on or off

I remember having a mod that lets you toggle essential off and on, But I can't find it.


the need to eat and sleep, also toggle-able

Again I think there is a mod for this.


multiplayer (free)

I think Bethesda said that Elder Scrolls V won't have multiplayer, But yeah it would be nice.


Oblivion doesn't lack so many things. Though I would like to be able to go to other provinces.

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Warning: I read only the first couple posts. My internet is VERY sketchy so I don't have the luxury of time to read em all.


As a response to multiple mentions of good or evil, it is, to my remembrance (Which could be wrong, but I think I remember it right.) that Empires Glory, which is still WIP, goes off where the Main Quest left off and allows the choice of good or evil. Although I do agree it would be nice to see it Vanilla.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Hm,mmm....u said to be good or evil well if u wanna be good ur character must be good i mean at face at hair and if u wanna be evil u msut make ur character like that red eyes or other evill stuffs i want this options and yes other FACTIONS TOWNS like other horse combat NPCs


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I definitely would like to see more options that allow you to dumb down the graphics in the next elder scrolls game. I'm not saying make it World of Warcraft cartoonish, just saying make it like WoW in the fact that outdoor environments stream clearly and with less lag on an older PC. The ability to downgrade graphics to a less detailed world, in terms of terrain and etc., would be excellent and open up the game to a much larger group of players.
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I'd like to have some choices, and some restrictions.


By restrictions I mean that I can do everything and anything I want in this game. It's a good thing, yeah, but isn't it a bit weird that I can be a cold-blooded murderer, a cunning pacifist thief, a noble fighter, a mage, a vampire (who should have their own faction, by the way), a vampire slayer, and the heroic savior of Tamriel, all at the same time no matter what I was specialized in or how I was aligned?


I see some serious conflicts there.


As for the choices (Yeah, I know this has been said several times already), I usually play a good guy, but we should also have an option to do things the evil way.


Different dialogue options that lead to different conclusions would also be nice.

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I am not sure if Oblivion should have a mutiplayer.

I would love to have a sort of multiplayer where there is around 2-20 people per server. They each have a storyline. And they meet during doing of that storyline. They have to meet up and play together tho. I would LOVE to play oblivion with my best friends.

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Hmmm just random ideas.


Greater variability in player houses and more costumizations + less havok engine havok in your house...


Player should be able to own everything from the smallest tent to a castle. Last eksample should offcourse be allmost out of reach. Requiring quest upon quest. Hero status and scrounging every last gold nugget out of the game. But the rewards just as great. Your own bodyguard. Castle guards... You wouldn't take over a city like kvatch or cheydinhall rather you would help build up a smaller village in different stages. More houses -> more people -> woodens city walls -> wooden castle -> stone houses -> stone walls -> stone castle and so on.


Player houses might be expandable by building stables, sheep/cow enclosures or what not.


To keep it as simple as possible. No building everywhere. Only that original game houses and modded in houses have a bigger "floor plan" where the house takes up eg 1 quarter and the player might pick different addons for the other 3 quarters of the floor plan ...



Greater variety in weapons and their enchantments.


Runes and runewords? Or somethings similar.


More player options for costumization of weapons and magic. And I really hate the ugly daedric armor being the "best". Why wouldnt a high high quality mithril armor be better than say. a mass "produced" low quality daedric armor?


2-4 possible romance side quests? + 8-12 companion/friend quests. Let os make a band of brothers/sisters? A thief gang? A dark brotherhood? A schooma dealer gang?`A holy knighthood? And so on.

And seeing the vilja companion mod. Easier modding for people wanting to make companions. Allthough 2000+ lines of voice acting WILL offcourse take time and alot of effort.


Different bodytypes. Drunken innkeepers do get beer bellies...


Better multithreading!


More things happening in the gameworld without the players actions.



And finally a little thing I've often wondered about in roleplaying games. Why oh why do I have to be the greatest hero in the world? How about making it an option to be his squire. His helper... og just the inkeeper selling him beer but said inkeeper with beer belly does dressup in the weekends and goes bandit bounty hunting. Small quests for smaller characters? Just not to be the center of the world ALL the time.



EDIT: Regarding multiplayer. I'm thinking a little coop like in left4dead campaign mode. A max of 1-3 other players so more people can host the games themselves. The guy hosting will still be the main character but his/her friends can take controll of the companions and fight as them. So a variety in companion "classes" would be a must. If the host player is the above mentioned inkeeper aka a lesser character than the hero then the other people might take over alot of other "open" characters. So it might end up as a sneaky thief friend trying to steal wine from the innkeeper and so on.

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To sum up what I want: More expansion and the return of many of Morrowind and Daggerfall's best features, but without sacrificing the gameplay style of Oblivion which I really like. Also a more varied game world, and more guilds (since they take the role of the main questlines.)


Also, I very much agree with one of 78stonewobble's comments:


Oblivion (and to some extent, every other Elder Scrolls game) places certain limitations on what's possible based on the fact that you're supposed to be the main character. It's never impossible to remove yourself from your inevitable destiny -- savior of the world. But it SHOULD be. Give us a game where we aren't thrust into the Big Good's service from day one. Give us a game where if we choose to be a member of the secret assassins group, or become a vampire, steal from the Supreme King Empire of the Universe, or kill a god, it has major, lasting repercussions. A game where we have to -- no, WANT to -- make a few different characters to lead several different lives and find all of the game's content. A game where WE CAN MAKE ENEMIES, making the allegiances we DO choose far more significant to us. That's what I want most.

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