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TES V: what do you want to see?


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What exactly do you mean by "The ability to go to any city in Tamriel"? Are you saying being able to leave the province that the game takes place in? That would make the game WAAAAAY to big. So big infact, an entire room filled with one giant computer couldn't handle it.

The LAST thing we need is MORE npcs. I'm sorry but it's true. We have enough. More monster types would be good.


Well I do think that it's technically possible. My oblivion folder is 12.5 gb big with shivering isles, knights and QTP installed. Thats for the heartlands. There's five other regions in Tamriel right? 50+ gb install and we'll be good to go. You would probably have to go blu-ray to avoid a bunch of DVD's in the box but I'd prefer downloading it.


Oblivion has load screens for entering houses and cities. You might as well have one for other regions.


The biggest problem would be to create 4 other regions with the same amount of complexity. Basically it's the art, textures and background. The immersion factor. I don't think any gaming company can afford that for one game. It would be too costly compaired to the amount of money they can make through sales.

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I personally think an MMORPG would be a bad idea. Adding a community to the game creates many things that will utterly smash all immersion -- from an economy ("Gold for Cash" spammers, powerleveling services, or even people just advertising that they're selling their enchanted Ebonys,) to revamping the guild system, to running into over a thousand characters named Naruto3578. I love MMORPGs to death, but they've become a game for a community, NOT for legitimate role-playing. We could have an RP server, but it would still be underpopulated compared to the main one. :/ Plus, I still hate the idea of paying monthly for a game I already own.


It's a big change for me. When I first started playing Oblivion I couldn't believe they didn't make it an MMO, it felt like such a perfect candidate. But as I played on I understood why that would have been a bad idea.


Anyway I will say I hope they don't design most of the game around staying at your level anymore. It was a cool idea, but as tons of people have already said, it doesn't make much sense. And they can make it challenging without that.


I don't really like MMORPG's personally and agree that it wouldn't fit into oblivion.


The ability to share a bit of your experiences in an oblivion game would be nice though.


I'm thinking COOP FTW.


Have a better selection and more realistic companions available for the player. Then let my buddies be able to play as one of these with me in the game.



Regarding technical feasibility and challenges for this to happen.


1. All players would need the game though.

2. A division of all mods into atleast graphical enhancement mods (like quarls) which only enhances one players game would not have to be installed on both computers. However content ADDING mods would have to be installed on all computers.

3. How to syncronize the game world on the computers? If this takes too much bandwidth it won't be possible. Atleast if people are to be able to play the coop game by themselves for a bit and not only together. Basically you will have to share the savegames I think.

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I want to see flying bunnies.

Oh, wait, what I want to see, related to TES5..

An ability to play LAN and CoOp games (with savegames that are attached to a list of mods, so you can continue your adventure after taking a break) , bethesda keeping the CS so we can still mod the game.

I'd also like to see Bethesda thinking more about Gameplay than Graphics (cuz everyone knows Morrowind was better on the gameplay part, maybe that was because Bethesda didnt think that much about graphics back then)

a larger variety of mounts, maybe some Elven and argonian mounts? A "cooler" landscape (cliffs, groves, great waterfalls and other kinds of stunningly beautiful nature), instead of the flat and dull one in Oblivion.

A funnier mainquest because, to be honest, the one in Oblivion was rather boring and it felt like you were repeating the same stuff over and over (maybe because you were).

Children NPCs, would add more realism to the game. A BETTER CLASS SYSTEM, so it actually matters if you choose a non-spellcaster class, I hate to see mighty warriors casting firebolts all over the place. Class-specific skills aswell.

More exotic animals and wildlife, aswell as amours and weapons. A karma system, with various decisions in quests and such, so you could play the game over and over in diferent ways, with different consiquences from different choices.


thats all I could come up with for now.

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