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Various things with Covenant (as a settlement).


I have control over Covenant as a settlement and there are a lot of weird things going on. First Lots of things are marked as stolen even though I have control over the place including some containers that cannot be scrapped, then there are the turrets that not only can they not be scrapped but they attack my companions if they are dismissed near the area (actually that's all they attack fought a raider right by them and they ignored him), Finally the crops that are there from the start cannot be selected in workshop mode.


I'm sure there is more the whole area is pretty messed up.


Edit: The turrets also do not provide defense.

Edited by Wrolly13
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Found a bug on the top floor of Trinity Tower. Every time I enter it the screen goes buggy/white with weird streaks across the screen as I try to rotate my view, and I am unable to act. The weird thing is my CPU usage goes to 100% when it happens (3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i5-4670K) but the load on my GPU is at 0% according to Nvidea Inspector. (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660). I am also using ENBoost to increase my usable video memory and have no problems anywhere else in game.


I have tried re-loading the game, I have tried loading a previous save and re-entering that area, and I have tried completely exiting the game and loading both in that area, and to a previous save, all with no effect on this and the same results.

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Finally tracked down a new bug that is related to random "xxx disliked this" notices popping up when around Goodneighbor. The cause of this bug is a random event that occurs in the area involving an NPC (Art) and a Synth duplicate (Art) of that NPC. Unfortunately the way they are scripted it makes them start shooting eachother causing the relationship hit. Even if you try talking to them, none of the dialogue solutions end the conflict. Even if you kill one, the other just starts attacking you. If you kill both, or either, they will just respawn causing further relationship hits just because they are in the area.


Have not found any easy solution for this. Only solution I seem to have found is by heavily changing their forms to just make them spawn as dead and cause no crime hits. But this is a very dirty edit that I'm not even sure is working.

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Hi there, I've been playing FO4 for the past week and there are some really tricky bug I have been encountered with:

1. E key not working when entered any workbench menu. Enter still functionable but not E. E can still be used to sellect the bench but after entering it it become useless

2. Terminal not working. I did excat design on wiring between devices and the terminal (infact I tried over 8 different wiring before make same design as the Youtube demonstrate video does), but at all circumstances the terminal has no menu at all. I got nothing but an empty starting page

3. Lightballs can burn out, not sure if this is a bug

The second is one of the troublesome issue for me, which disabled half of joy in construction -.-

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Just got a bug in the Quest "Institutionalized". When I met all the division leaders everyone would attack me for no reason. Got a similar issue with the Railroad at first (when first meeting them). Will try to sleep two ingame days and do the whole thing again.

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Not sure it's a bug or a gameplay issue:


I can't throw grenades through doors' opening - however I do this, they'll drop at my feet (blowing me up instead of my enemies... sigh). It's like doors' collision is a full, solid block. Anybody else had that?

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Settlement Statistics Bug


First of all: I have some mods installed (Settlements expanded, Texture mods, etc..) and also tweaked timescale to be slower, so that might be an issue.



My Settlements show incorrect Settler Numbers. I'm supposed to have 4 in Tenpines but only find 3 (after Ringing Bell). Abernathy Farm is even worse...

Does that have to do with the changed timescale or does it happen in unmodded Vanilla also?.


best regards,


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dont know what to call this bug, but here are some pics.







tried reverting back to and older save, and the bug is still there.....

hope there is an fix for this soon, cuz i cant crounch and aim down the sight without the flesh covering my entire screen

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Fusion Core Bug


So after not using Power Armor for like years I decided to use it for once when I reach level 50+. Then I encounterd this bug where ONE fusion core would be totally gone and used up whenever I get out from the power armor. Also the fusion core slot would be empty the moment I went into the armor as you can see from the screen shot. Also there is no alert about having no fusion core. So the MAIN problem is the EMPTY CORE SLOT and USING UP 1 CORE whenever I leave the armor.


I have uninstalled all the mods and tried playing again but I still have this problem. I rolled a new game and tried without the mods, there was no bug. Then I installed every mod I have and there seems to be no bug on the new save too.


So this bug is ONLY on the save file that I am playing. I really do not want to restart on a new save after like 2 days worth of gameplay is on this save. Can any kind soul help me find a fix or make a mod that doesn't require fusion cores to use power armor? I know I can just cheat fusion core 20000 and put it in everytime I get into power armor but I just wanna fix it with a permanent solution.




Edit : I have tried to use other frames and even spawned new ones in that save file. All of the frames have this problem.

I have also had this happen, lucky for me, the core was at like 10% left and I just used it nearly up... but I would have liked to remove it just before running out and sold it. It isn't the worst bug, and I've not seen it again, but I have seen this. randomly, are you using any mod that affects fusion core drain rates? just a thought.

Edited by bigperk420
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