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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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Some pipboy replaces. I have 2 ideas for them.


1st would be the eye droid from metal gear solid 5. It's cool and it can work with an animation adjustment and figuring out how to display it like a hologram.


2nd would be to replace the left arm with a robot arm. When you access what would be the pip boy a panel on the forearm will open up showing the display.


Oh and invisible armor, or separating clothing parts into pants gloves and shoes.

how about metal gear solid 4s solid eye

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if theres isnt a mod already then maybe a mod that makes it so you can put grenades, mines, knifes,machetes,swords, axes, dynamites, tomahawks,bluted weapons like baseball bats, rolling pins, pipe wrenches, pool cues & such into the junk jet

i think we can all agree that firing an baseball bat intro someones crotch coming from the junk jet would be pretty f####king funny


also can someone make a mod so i can fire intro the crotch when an enemy is facing forward & firing at an enemies butt when facing the other way or running away when aiming in v.a.t.s like in fallout 1-fallout 2

Edited by kerrigan1603
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if theres isnt a mod already then maybe a mod that makes it so you can put grenades, mines, knifes,machetes,swords, axes, dynamites, tomahawks,bluted weapons like baseball bats, rolling pins, pipe wrenches, pool cues & such into the junk jet

i think we can all agree that firing an baseball bat intro someones crotch coming from the junk jet would be pretty f####king funny

But those are weapons, while junk set uses junk.

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Solar panels - Just imagine to power your entire settlement with just the sun.

Stuff that hover - Like a chair and stuff like that.


Enhanced movement options. Like sprinting then hitting crouch which would cause you to slide and you can fire while doing so. Or being able to jump near a ledge and do one of those ledge get ups. Their could also be strafing or sidesteping for melee characters to use.

These are are brainer mods.

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if theres isnt a mod already then maybe a mod that makes it so you can put grenades, mines, knifes,machetes,swords, axes, dynamites, tomahawks,bluted weapons like baseball bats, rolling pins, pipe wrenches, pool cues & such into the junk jet

i think we can all agree that firing an baseball bat intro someones crotch coming from the junk jet would be pretty f####king funny

But those are weapons, while junk set uses junk.


i know but just for funies

by the way may i request a mod that when hiding behind cars,crates,tables & such, instead of uncrouching to be able to aim at whats above you, you press the aim button & you instantly aim above you like in far cry


& when the geck comes out, would it be possible to make a mod to craft paint jobs for the pipboy

Edited by kerrigan1603
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After playing a while, here is a few things, I think, that should be added to the list, and can take the place of a few of the items in the list, combined into one. I do want to make one comment before my short list here. I hate the body system that Bethesda used in Fallout 4. It's basically the same one used in Saint's Row 4. Not that it's bad, but I would rather have something else instead.

1) A slider system, or maybe something a bit different, for the face, body, and eyes. Each part can be separate, or all together. The current, and future, eye mods, can be included in this, as well. (This can be made nude, as well, for both sexes.) And also includes makeup.

2) Alternative perk and skill system, like Fallout 3 and New Vegas. This could be a replacement for the current Fallout 4 system.

3) Improved settlement building. I mean go beyond just building floors, framework, shacks, but put some real improvement to shacks. Basically you provide the shack, and the people fix it up as things grow. Improved beds, that can include queen/king sized beds, as well as bunk beds, etc. And even rebuilding of buildings in the area. This can, possibly, include windows, and actual glass. This can be a real overhaul mod to settlements.


These are few I can think of for the moment. I will have more as time goes along, as well as reading more.

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