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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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1. Giant Spiders 2. Horses 3. Intelligent Talking Deathclaws (descendants of the ones from fallout 2) And also one of them as a companion like Goris. 4. An age slider in character creation 5. A vertical foregrip for the tommy gun 6. That Gun from Blade Runner 7. Kilts with a lot of different tartans and sporrans 8. A Burrows world space with not just the S'lanter (highly intelligent fev mutated raccoons), But also highly intelligent anthropomorphic fev mutated versions of other animals as well, Apes, monkeys, rats, mice, cats, dogs, rabbits and geckos( is it too much ask for fallout geckos that are smart enough to use those hands with opposable thumbs that they have) With multiple quests and factions, and tons of references to PotA, Animal Farm, Nimh, and Watership Down. 9. A pistol that shoots 45. acp

Edited by CelticVikingDragon
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Please add Explosive Explosives. Here's my request:


In fallout 3 there was a mod someone made once called Explosive Explosives;


Basically you could 'drop' an explosive; mines, grenades, mininuke, even missiles and then 'shoot' it and it explodes. This made things really interesting as you were able to make traps by setting a mine and dropping 10 missiles on it, or dropping a mini nuke near a mine or dropping it and throwing a nae at it;

it just made the game great.


It's on fallout 3;



I was wondering if anyone would care to take this on?


It's a simple thing but i think would make a huge difference to the game and how it can be played.

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What i would welcome very ,would be awesome ,JOIN the FRACTION of RAIDERS and be a Pain for the Humans in Wasteland ,why not play the other Side too ,Evil with Gang Members.

Thx :devil:

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Oh i forgot ,Removeable Trash and Garbage and all you see around in a Settlement ,that means also Bethesda´s builded Wood Piles and Shacks.


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The ability to either smash open or place explosives on locked doors and containers, with a chance of destroying the equipment inside it.


Similar to these mods for NV.





Can be really useful if you got Strong as a companion.

Edited by Courier07
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