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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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I'd like a mod that allows the ENTIRE body of the enemy to be vaporized after hitting them in the head with either a laser or plasma even if the head got dislodged from the body as it so often does. I'm tired of headless bodies that should've been obliterated with the head.

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All those settlers pounding away on that house in sanctuary to no avail.

Make it so every few days, the house is repaired a little, until back to good condition. Then start on another. Also, clean up towns that are at a certain population. I can't believe that the 20 people in sanctuary still live in houses with leaves on the floor and junk strewn around.

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A few mods I seriously want would be a better body mod (something similar to like CBBE from Skyrim, or something like that.), A better character creation menu/sliders (Again, similar to something like Racemenu from Skyrim), A mod to allow you to at least kill Marcy Long 'cuz f*** her, although a mod to make everyone killable would suffice (Yes I'm aware that's on the list, but honestly if I can just kill Marcy I'm happy.) A mod that gives the .50 receiver for both the Hunting Rifle and Pipe Rifle a more aesthetically reasonable look (as in, make the receiver a bit bulkier as realistically speaking, the receiver would have visible changes from a receiver that fires .308 versus something that fires a .50 BMG cartridge, and also on a more personal note, perhaps even an optional mod that removes the .50 receiver from Pipe weapons entirely as again, realistically speaking, there's no way that scrappy wooden piece of shite is going to fire a .50 BMG round without either having serious structural reinforcement, or blowing up in your hands. An Immersive First Person mod (yet again, similar to the one from Skyrim. Also, not sure if this is what you meant by "Enhanced First Person") A better head mesh mod (Higher poly/ smoother features), More/Better Physics things (Like Skyrim's HDT Physics Extension, as well as related HDT armors, clothings, hairs, etc., as well as improved physics for hairstyles, clothing, and armors already in the game). Better AI/Settler pathfinding, More Terminal Controls (Allow it to connect to and control more things like normal lights, jukeboxes, Radios, Gates/Doors, etc.) No more shopkeeper settlers getting "kidnapped" for radiant quests. Make Provisioner Settlers no longer count towards total pop. Those are really the only things I can think of off the top of my head, but I'll be sure to reply (Or edit this post) again if I remember a few more. A return of the Karma system in some fashion would also be nice, I'd have more of a reason to be a snarky a**hole than just for the shits and giggles.



TL:DR Version


- Better Bodymods (Like Skyrim's CBBE bodies)

- Better Racemenu

- Kill Everyone* (At the very least Marcy Long)

- Different style receivers for different ammo types (.308 vs .50, etc.)

- Immersive Firstperson* (Much like Skyrim's.)

- Better Headmesh

- More/Better Physics & Physics clothes/armor/hair/body/everything

- Better Pathfinding

- More control w/ Terminals

- No Shopkeeper Settlers getting "Kidnapped" for Radiant Quests

- Provisioner Settlers don't count for total Pop.

- Return of Karma*


* For the "Kill Everyone" and "Immersive Firstperson" mod, I know the first one is already on the list, but really I just want a mod to kill Marcy, although it does fall in the same category, and I don't know if Immersive Firstperson is what you meant by "Enhanced Firstperson". As for the Karma system, I suppose that could also be included with the "Return of missing features from previous games." or whatever it was.


Edit: Found out there is actually an early Alpha CBBE Bodymod available with the Bodyslide tool so, yeah nevermind what I said before.

Edited by Beefyrulz
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