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Remove Compass and/or its markers


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I hate the new Bethesda style. Starting with Oblivion, the player has areas of interest thrown at them magically without the player actually discovering them for themselves. Some mods fixed this by making the area of discovery much smaller than vanilla; until we have a modkit, it seems the easier solution is to remove the compass entirely for the time being.

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If you look in Fallout4Prefs.ini under the subheading [interface] there is a setting bShowCompass=1 change the 1 to a 0 and it should disable your compass when you are on foot. If you are in Power Armor however, it doesn't seem to disable it.


Also this mod has a few tweaks to the ui and is worth checking out if you don't want to see enemy blips on the compass or don't want a sneak indicator etc.

Edited by Stndmunki
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