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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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Not sure if this has been said before, so I apologise if it has.

But I would like to see a mod that allows you to call in your power armour (or random/from the brotherhood) wherever you are - you'd have to be outside though - but it would be like a drop-pod.


I guess to call it in you could use the same feature available for the artillery strike (using the artillery grenades - there's probably a better way of doing it, I haven't progressed very far in the game, so I'm probably missing something).


So say your in the middle of a fight you struggling with but you don't want to flee or your heading into a heavily radiated area- you could throw down a grenade/something (as a beacon) then a couple of seconds later either a drop-pod containing or just the power armour itself falls from the sky and lands on where you placed the the grenade/beacon (maybe with a bit of area effect damage) - does power armour take fall damage? - I know you the character don't, but does fall damage reduce the armour's health? I guess you could just tweak that. So once it lands you could use it like you normally would.


If the mod allowed you to use your own power armour and you had multiple sets there could be a mini menu enabling you to select which one - actually being able to rename your power armour would be helpful if say you had 2 T-60's.


Not a top priority mod I know, but one I feel could be fairly useful.


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Remove anything including broken down prewar homes grass/weeds

Level ground

Build prewar homes (or at the very least repair the ones that are there)

Ability to increase buildable area

A set defense amount like maybe 200 at which point they wouldn't need so much darned help.


Persistant area clearing/no enemy respawn. If I clear out like 4-5 buildings then the streets around them should count. To that end after an area is safe I should see friendly people walking around and stuff idk maybe using the map to mark an area.

remove fog, I know in console I can type setfog 0 and a bunch of 9's but it would be nice if it was permanent instead of having to do it every time i load up my game

Distance blur, once the fog is gone the images are there but blurred as if pov is enabled and you're not looking at them


HD pipboy map, similar to the ones in skyrim where the roads and everything look so nice.


Instant artilery cool down, better accuracy and something better than flares... if you can get close enough to throw a flare right where you actually need the artillery then most likely youre already in combat and might as well fight it out.


Better .50 cal snipers... lets face it, idc if its a super mutant, if you hit him in the forehead with a .50 cal bullet from long range and he isn't wearing a helmet made of tank armor the dude is going down with a hole the size of my fist in the back of his head lol.

Helicopter hover, for when you wanna circle an area and use the minigun

I could keep going, there's so much that could be done with this game...

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Crouching Deathclaw Animation / With ability for the Deathclaw to get to you by moving underneath a doorway. ( Or any large enemy for that matter.)


I was hoping that Bethesda would have implemented a new gameplay/battle mechanic that overcomes this by now. I have seen a couple Let's Play videos where the players are battling that first Deathclaw, and they are hiding in the shop area, picking off the Deathclaw. It would be excellent if the Deathclaw would make a crouching animation move and was able to pass under the doorway and get to you. This would force the player to try and find new hiding areas to get away from a larger enemy.

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combat animations for new playstyles.

these are inherent to Skyrim or successfully modded, hopefully they could be implemented into F4 without too much effort.


1) dual-wield pistols, knives, etc.


2) shields for blocking using AP used with one-handed pistols or melee weapons, clear riot shields, raider style spiked with rebar, car doors, whatever. with a sprint knockdown like the Pain Train perk.


3) evade melee attacks with sidestep and/or roll dodge using customized doubletap or button/key+direction.

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I hate it when they disable cloth physics while swimming or sitting on chairs, that's just ridiculous.


For once, FO4 has something aesthetically pleasing, and they are cutting corners again, like the Volition ppl did in their Saint Rows - Trench coat n dresses still stick to your butts and thighs, they are supposed to flow at least from the WAIST down.


Bethesda only included cloth physics because it's a next-gen game and ppl don't want to see clothing sticks to their legs anymore. That's not necessary why we should have cloth physics.


Because cloth physics is such a consuming demand on processors, I love this feature and IT needs to be done correctly so it's WORTH IT, like the rest of all the advanced shaders and graphical effects this game has.

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The pipboy inventory menus need more sub-catagories.







Ammo -> Maybe not ammo


I feel this should've been in game already. Is this doable?

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