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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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Mods i would like to see:

1.Better house building mechanics, like fences go into the ground instead of beeing 1 meter above the ground, letting enemies sneak in.
Beeing able to place workshops in houses scattered around Commonwealth. (Beeing able to have more than one Power Armor station)

2. Enhanced Bodies, beeing able to customize the bodies.

3. More clothing, making clothes like in skyrim.
(Specially sexy underwear for Females huehuehue)

Edited by helgendo
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1. F3NV Over Dunbar from calvinmetaklface
2. F3NV WalkingDead from Heavensturkey
3. F3NV TheBackpack from TokeRoaches
4. F3NV No ScopeWobble from Reph
5. F3NV M-14 from Millenie
6. F3NV Hidden Bunker from Knowniadie
7. A cheat around the need to

kill the Railroad.

. Like the one for BOS in F3NV. "The Brotherhood and House Alliance"

Edited by rhohltjr
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-Field-stripping of items for component parts

-Removal of the Vault-Tech targeting from V.A.T.S. to just turn it into a Slow-Mo so I can use my more accurate manual aiming skills

- Infinite companion ammo (or at least an upgrade to the companion perks to do this (the ones that make you deal no damage to them and vice-versa))

-Ability to have 2 companions a-la New Vegas (I want to keep Dogmeat)

-Companion perks would be a nice re-addition a-la New Vegas

-A mod much like the readus Pip-Boy for those who use the Pip-Boy app but don't have the Pip-Boy edition and want to see a phone-like item rather than the actual pip-boy when they actually pull it up in-game

-I REALLY liked the FN Armoury mod from New Vegas

-I've seen a LOT of Raiders with 2 Knuckes on their corpse. some kinda melee dual-weilding would be cool

-Armour grouping for your hotkeys. (I hated having to re-equip all my armour pieces after swapping to something else for either a quest or a stat-boost)

-A decrease in the number of Super Mutant Suiciders would be nice. I don't think they should be that common

-The Daughters of Ares mod for New Vegas was awesome. a revamped version for FO4 would be sweet, though a big undertaking

-Hardcore Mode from New Vegas

-REMOVAL OF HEADBOB (this makes many players sick and constantly screws with my aim)

-Removal of Bloom (OW MY EYES! got especially rediculous when cloaked around the Dunwich Borers)

-Speaking of being cloaked, whenever I crouch using my Chameleon Legendary armour pieces, I cloak as if I'm wearing a Stealth-Boy that's only active when I stay still. BUT this also causes lighting to be more harsh, making it impossible to see in some areas and REALLY messes with my eyes. a mod to remove it would be amazing (the lighting effect, not the cloaking)

-More Adhesive, or less Adhesive needed for mods. this is seriously too rare for how much you need for everything

-A fix for Settlers ending up on rooftops with no access and Brahmin ending up inside houses too small for them would be nice... had to toggle Noclip to get past a Pack brahmin that was blocking the doorway to a house (twice)

-Obviously all the texture things that've been said a million times already

-This may be a bit of a stretch, but if there was a mod that would add a radio station that plays MP3 files you have stored in a certain folder, to basically create a custom station, that'd be AMAZING.

-mod to have the "Take all" option when pulling from a companion's inventory NOT remove equipped items

-Deposit all mods

-Wild Wasteland was fun in New Vegas, bringing a few of the elements from it back would be nice

-Signal Strength detectors for the Distress/unintelligable signals

-non-facial tattoos

-Deposit all Magazines/Bobbleheads for their appropriate racks, or renaming them Bobblehead: Name and Magazine: Name respectively so they're easier to find in the inventory

and prolly many more I forgot to list

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hmm i suppose


- Karma back


- weapon durability back


- weapon holstering for 3rd person

- obviously body and hair replacers


- possibly a better charicter creator


- a more pc friendly UI


- a realistic needs and diseases mod


- proper relationships (if possible)


- obviously more weapon and armor mods


- radiation sickness back -in addition to how it currently works-


- needless to say unofficial bug patches but thats prolly a given :tongue:


- search bar for the pipboy so you dont spend hours trying to find what you need...


- some way to make companions not useless if your a stealth based character would be nice (i cant count how many times i was detected because of companion ineptitude)


welp thats my top 13 plenty more that ill be looking for but i think ill be here all day if i list them all.

Edited by EltyJade
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better head shots - Shooting or being shot in the head causes way to little damage


free key rebinding - duh


pick up EVERYTHING in area with one button


Some better looking and working dog accessories


Auto unlock any container that you have level to pick - hate mini games


alternate start - like Live Another Life for Skyrim

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- I would really like to see a weightless junk mod. I keep on having to tgm to get to a vendor and sell as much crap as possible to even do anything.


- I would also like to see a mod that lets you clothe your character with vanity items like in terraria, so that I can i.e. wear a drifter outfit without it's armor or stats, and wear my normal armor under it with it's effects, but without it showing.

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