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Screen Load Times


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When a screen loads to change scenes, like entering a building or town, or Fast Travel.....there is an interval of time.....that is INFERNALLY Long!!!!!!


Is there any way anyone knows of to shorten that time?????

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Wish I knew this myself, though I suspect the unwelcome answer boils down to fewer mods/scripts/lower graphics.


There's a prevent infinite loading screen mod of some sort, I've that installed somewhere.


Going into a simple shop is pretty quick (5-10 secs), exiting it into say Whiterun, or exiting a city into Skyrim itself, takes about a minute, in my (doubtless less than optimal) setup.


(4ghz intel PC, SSD, 6mb 980TI CPU vs Realvision ENB full version, Tamriel Reloaded HD 4k version, interesting npcs & inconsequential npcs, plus a ton of other mods).

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While a lot of factors contribute to long load times (mods, game settings, etc.) a good way to speed your load times is to install your game on an SSD as opposed to an HDD. A solid state drive is simply going to be faster by a huge margin over ordinary hard drives when it comes to reading/writing data. And THAT makes a huge difference on how fast your levels can load (in ANY game.)

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