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Ted Cruz is a snake, I don't like him. He comes across as smarmy televangelist. And still lost to Trump among evangelical voters. That's a pretty big fail for Ted Cruz. Rubio and Kasich would be too compromising. Rubio is really weak on immigration and that's a turn off for me.


All of the Republican Candidates are ignoring 1/2 of the illegal immigration problem - the ones hiring them. For a viable solution to the problem employers who hire illegal immigrants need to get hammed with fines, or have their business shut down due to serious violations. Most of them would just go back if they couldn't get work, and couldn't get welfare. We wouldn't need to deport 10s of millions, because the vast majority would simply leave. The ones who'd like to leave, but don't have the transportation, sure we'll give you a free bus ride.


I recently had to get some roof work done, and I gladly paid more money to get a reputable roofing company who hires American citizens. Its these fly by night contractors running around underbidding everyone, lowing the price of labor for anyone who does that kinda work for a living when their workforce is 100% illegal immigrants. That's the biggest beef I got with illegal immigrants, but I got an even bigger problem with the unscrupulous employers. There should be federal crimes for this sorta thing IMO. The simple fact of them being here and working competes with our citizens for wages. That's not right.

Edited by Beriallord
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Ted Cruz is a snake, I don't like him. He comes across as smarmy televangelist. And still lost to Trump among evangelical voters. That's a pretty big fail for Ted Cruz. Rubio and Kasich would be too compromising. Rubio is really weak on immigration and that's a turn off for me.


All of the Republican Candidates are ignoring 1/2 of the illegal immigration problem - the ones hiring them. For a viable solution to the problem employers who hire illegal immigrants need to get hammed with fines, or have their business shut down due to serious violations. Most of them would just go back if they couldn't get work, and couldn't get welfare. We wouldn't need to deport 10s of millions, because the vast majority would simply leave. The ones who'd like to leave, but don't have the transportation, sure we'll give you a free bus ride.


I recently had to get some roof work done, and I gladly paid more money to get a reputable roofing company who hires American citizens. Its these fly by night contractors running around underbidding everyone, lowing the price of labor for anyone who does that kinda work for a living when their workforce is 100% illegal immigrants. That's the biggest beef I got with illegal immigrants, but I got an even bigger problem with the unscrupulous employers. There should be federal crimes for this sorta thing IMO. The simple fact of them being here and working competes with our citizens for wages. That's not right.

I read an article today, that claimed that for each 'illegal' worker, it created 1.2 jobs for 'american' workers...... it also went on to claim that exporting all the illegals would devastate the agricultural industry, and cause the price of food to skyrocket, etc. All sorts of gloom and doom predictions, pointing out that illegal (low wage) workers, were the salvation of our economy......


Granted, the migrant workers do a fair bit of work that I sure wouldn't want to do..... (harvesting watermelon, anyone?) But, does that imply that ALL migrant workers are illegals? I would hope not......

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I wonder how many farms are owned by an Aztec/Spanish/Mexican family who lived in the USA and became naturalized citizens when the US Government was formed getting incorporated as the land formed into a state?


I wonder how many of their children, of all ages, cross over the border, legaly, every year during harvest season?


Brothers, sisters. aunts uncles, and all their offspring from the good close knit family lineage.


Everyone chipping in just like good old days?

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Peoples feelings on imigration often depend on the scarcity of their own security and not that of the country. This is a fear mindset that is akin to starvation,


It's surprizing that so many people who when there is an abundance, they claim the Government is at odds with them, but the minute that abundance is taken away, they cling to that same government for protection, just because a politician has spoken, yet another set of words they agree with.


Where is all this talk about being self sufficiant


The only ones that I have seen who are truly self sufficant are those who could walk for days across a desert and live in shacks harvesting fruits by hand in the hot sun.


This is a pampered nation, full of people who think they are entitiled by virtue of where they fall out of their mother and then denounce federal programs they themselves call entitlements. Does it seem to you as crazy as it does to me. I think president Obama put a boot up the rear end of American prestige and the right doesn't like it because their lily white doll house they envision America as being has become a little bit soiled by the reality of today's reality.

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At this point doesn't seem like it matters who the hell you support in the GOP field. Looks like the Republican party is stuck with Trump even if you can't stand him. :D

The same could be said of the Democrats and Billary. Good thing that orange suits her....

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At this point doesn't seem like it matters who the hell you support in the GOP field. Looks like the Republican party is stuck with Trump even if you can't stand him. :D




At this point doesn't seem like it matters who the hell you support in the GOP field. Looks like the Republican party is stuck with Trump even if you can't stand him. :D

The same could be said of the Democrats and Billary. Good thing that orange suits her....


And this isn't any different from how it ever has been. We get a couple candidates, both of which have their own problems, and then we get to pick the one we dislike the list. We aren't voting FOR someone, so much as we are voting AGAINST the 'other guy'. (or gal, as the case may be.)

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