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PT Barnum did not always say what the newshounds quoted him as having said.

Or as another great American Philosopher put it. "I never said most of the things I said" Yogi Berra


And Sam Clemens, "Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

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If the Harbinger of truth be known, it seems the last word that he ever heard (at least in most of the stories I've read) in the days of the Loyalest of Followers, when rising up to face the forces that kept the people down, was, "FIRE!"


Hence the bells on curled shoes toes and the tri-horned cap with bells dangling from those too became peoples attire that resembled him. :confused:


The newshounds of the 18th and 19th Century could also relate for to heard a last word feared was, when the truth did scold their publishers, "Fired!"


Now-a-days all that jingles is a sleigh's bells. No more does the Court Jester's nerves cause those bells such a rattle for fear a member of the Kings dinner party might break out of the dinner to kill the truth giver, (even though he had the Kings oath no harm would befall him) that often times what he said when his bells jingled from nerves of dread, was drowned out by the guests horrendous laughter.

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So it seems this race is between Hillary and Trump (assuming neither 'does time' before their time comes at least laugh.gif)


Now I am not an American, so hope I don't upset people by sharing my current thoughts on proceedings. I am however, a direct product of the American Dream. I was born and lived in two NATO countries, went to an American 'international' school, know a great number of Americans, played basketball and baseball growing up, my dad worked for big American oil and I say bathroom instead of 'loo' or 'toilet' and many other nuances and other such nonsense much to the amusement of the locals (or should I say yokels biggrin.gif)


I say this because the kind of vibes I am getting from my surrogate 'fatherland' and, more specifically the Trump message, is that I (and 'people like me') are not a part of that dream anymore. With Hillary, while some it is a little 'pie in the sky' and she still scares me a bit, it makes me feel a lot more at ease and wanting to be invested and engaged in the future.


But then many say the American Dream is dead... And here across the pond we have the Tories and a rise of far-right governments... So if I was living in America then I can understand the difficulty in retreading a beaten track.


Well... between the EU vote in the UK and the US general election, 2016 is going to be a defining year in western politics.

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Baby boy Rubio is KO'd


Edit#1 Sanders is taking a 10 count in his corner. Hillary pounded him.


Edit#2 something odd is going on in Missouri; both the Republican and Democrat races are practically tied at 0.02% each.

Edited by WursWaldo
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In a room full of people one woman was glaring at the camera person because she was having enough trouble really thinking this political stuff through.


The headlines said, "1/3 of the voting population is leaning toward a third party" ONE THIRD!


Where'd the Greenies Go? Who is Ralph Nadar again?

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Hey! If Hillary wins it will be the first time that one family, husband and wife, on record that both the man and woman were president of the United States.


I can't imagine that Willy will sit back on his thumbs and let his wife take the reigns completely. So it will be like he is serving a third term in office. And she'll bring the family another yearly check to assure their healthy lifestyle. Do you think their daughter might join in the fun and fan the flames with another shout out for President after her Mother if her Mom gets it?


If the man with the Self/Less glowing penthouse made of solid gold wins. I might actually get a real job working for a decent wage again. Or lose what little I have and be another of the vanishing breed. I don't mind if Trump wins. I just would rather it was someone whose speeches didn't remind me of a bunch of movie quotes, hostile quotes which remind me of Hussein, and reminding me of us survivor junkies; like all of us Fallout through Fallout 4 fans are, and makes me feel insecure because he looks so much like the cartoon character from the movie King Arthur.


Darn us God, Darn us now, before we all resemble a bunch of unraveled knit Xmas sweaters and socks.

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Perhaps the closest thing a republic can have to a monarchy? laugh.gif


Suppose also, that might have been partly why another Bush administration was a simple no go.


But in all honesty I would imagine any candidate, including Trump, will give all the top positions to their best friends at the first opportunity... if they haven't already.

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I agee. He'll likely appoint the top workers of his company to every job if he succeds to gain office.


I felt no unasiness when I realized I would be no more to him then a breath of carbon dioxide.


Odd too: right after I wrote that last post I had an epiphony. I recalled an old movie. Odder still I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders.

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It is also unfortuate as there are many "liberals" ...

If you are taking exception to the term 'liberal' being applied to Sanders' socialist-democrats, anti-American radical liberals, liberal racial bigots, misandry-advocate feminists liberals, and other social misfit liberals who are polluting your party, then could you please come up with a term to describe them that is acceptable to you? Pick a descriptive word for people who identify as liberals but don't share your liberal ideals and I'll use it from now on. Make it something catchy though.

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