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or Trump who does not even live in my world. ( I seriously doubt he could pump his own gas if his life depended on it)


Too busy trying to stop that hamster he's got glued to his head escaping.



I have a hard time thinking someone, with ALL the money he has or can acquire, can not make a better decision about his hair. If I can not trust him to kill whatever it is on his head, give it a decent burial and find a better wig...well how am I going to trust him on the important stuff? J/K


All kidding aside, I am not liking any person in this election and I really will write myself in. Heck I might even go down to the courthouse and actually apply to be a write in so the vote actually will count.


I really dislike them all. Every one of them is selling snake oil. When you ask them a question they give all these generalities and no practical purpose answer. What are we going to do about the economy? Create more jobs!....OK how we going to do that? *birds chirping* What are we going to do about education? make teachers more accountable! OK....how can you fairly do that without testing the kids so much? What are we going to do about ISIS? Beat them! And how might we do this exactly?


I almost wish debates were set up (at least a few) that you had to actually say how YOU would handle things. Like the mic gets cut off if you start talking or bashing the other candidates. I personally want to know some specifics with all these folks' grand plans to fix things.


And no matter what happens here the Congress will continue to fight and bicker about anything and everything they can. The notion of compromise no longer exists. We are not educating our people on how the basics of government work. And I agree it has become you don't understand it if you don't write it. But it doesn't have to be like that. People just don't care to find out any more than is spoon fed to them on their news channel of choice or what they read on Facebook which is already distorted beyond recognition.


Setting term limits and taking the money out of campaigns would do a lot to help, but the people that are screwing up are the same folks that will have to bring these bills forward and vote on them.. For once they would all agree on a vote.

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or Trump who does not even live in my world. ( I seriously doubt he could pump his own gas if his life depended on it)


Too busy trying to stop that hamster he's got glued to his head escaping.



I have a hard time thinking someone, with ALL the money he has or can acquire, can not make a better decision about his hair. If I can not trust him to kill whatever it is on his head, give it a decent burial and find a better wig...well how am I going to trust him on the important stuff? J/K


All kidding aside, I am not liking any person in this election and I really will write myself in. Heck I might even go down to the courthouse and actually apply to be a write in so the vote actually will count.


I really dislike them all. Every one of them is selling snake oil. When you ask them a question they give all these generalities and no practical purpose answer. What are we going to do about the economy? Create more jobs!....OK how we going to do that? *birds chirping* What are we going to do about education? make teachers more accountable! OK....how can you fairly do that without testing the kids so much? What are we going to do about ISIS? Beat them! And how might we do this exactly?


I almost wish debates were set up (at least a few) that you had to actually say how YOU would handle things. Like the mic gets cut off if you start talking or bashing the other candidates. I personally want to know some specifics with all these folks' grand plans to fix things.


And no matter what happens here the Congress will continue to fight and bicker about anything and everything they can. The notion of compromise no longer exists. We are not educating our people on how the basics of government work. And I agree it has become you don't understand it if you don't write it. But it doesn't have to be like that. People just don't care to find out any more than is spoon fed to them on their news channel of choice or what they read on Facebook which is already distorted beyond recognition.


Setting term limits and taking the money out of campaigns would do a lot to help, but the people that are screwing up are the same folks that will have to bring these bills forward and vote on them.. For once they would all agree on a vote.


Exactly. The only folks that CAN change the system, are the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing it. Hence: Don't expect anything to change.


These are the very same people that once voted into office, they only need to serve one term, and they get that salary for the rest of their lives. If you retire from the military (you know, the folks that keep us free) after 20 years, you get 50% of your base pay...... How is that in any way "fair"?


Our government is simply out of control. We get the illusion of some say in the direction our country is going, by voting. But, look at who we get as choices...... I most certainly agree with Lis here. NONE of them are really worth voting for.


Politics: The art of speaking for hours, without actually SAYING anything.

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What I find annoying beyond belief is that all the debates (Democratic/Republican) are simply campaign polemics, not proposing real world solutions to practical governing problems. Both the rise of Trump and Sanders IMO is a case of the kindergarten children taking over the nursery. It seems that only proposed choices are rigid ideologues, reality ostrich's, lying weasels or opportunists. I know that at some point I'm going to have to pick the lesser of two evils which will be much akin to choosing between the pestilence and the plague.



I'm totally with you on the concept of term limits but asking this group of nimrods to disenfranchise themselves is a pipe dream. However if I had my druthers every congressman/ senator should have to make do with the same Health Care and Pension Benefits that the rest are forced to rely on. While I'm on that, I frankly do not see why there are luxurious benefits for serving the nation as a legislator while veterans who sacrificed far more are barely able to get a timely appointment at the VA.

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Out of all the people texting here, I vote for Lisnpuppy. ;- p


Who is writing the speeches for the candidates?

Ghost Writers? Their children? A paid expert in the art of political banter (Toastmasters)?


Maybe we should get the speech writers up on the podium and let them show us how to write a debate (which somehow doesn't look fixed) while we all are squeezing our tickets as the dark horse leaves the gate?

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What I find annoying beyond belief is that all the debates (Democratic/Republican) are simply campaign polemics, not proposing real world solutions to practical governing problems. Both the rise of Trump and Sanders IMO is a case of the kindergarten children taking over the nursery. It seems that only proposed choices are rigid ideologues, reality ostrich's, lying weasels or opportunists. I know that at some point I'm going to have to pick the lesser of two evils which will be much akin to choosing between the pestilence and the plague.



I'm totally with you on the concept of term limits but asking this group of nimrods to disenfranchise themselves is a pipe dream. However if I had my druthers every congressman/ senator should have to make do with the same Health Care and Pension Benefits that the rest are forced to rely on. While I'm on that, I frankly do not see why there are luxurious benefits for serving the nation as a legislator while veterans who sacrificed far more are barely able to get a timely appointment at the VA.

Yep. And that is EXACTLY why I don't expect anything to change. At least, not from within the system. My view on it is: The only way we are going to get REAL change, is if the american people ignore the ballot box, step down off their soap box, and pick up their cartridge box. But then, most of the population is too fat, dumb, and lazy to expend that kind of effort.

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What I find annoying beyond belief is that all the debates (Democratic/Republican) are simply campaign polemics, not proposing real world solutions to practical governing problems. Both the rise of Trump and Sanders IMO is a case of the kindergarten children taking over the nursery. It seems that only proposed choices are rigid ideologues, reality ostrich's, lying weasels or opportunists. I know that at some point I'm going to have to pick the lesser of two evils which will be much akin to choosing between the pestilence and the plague.



I'm totally with you on the concept of term limits but asking this group of nimrods to disenfranchise themselves is a pipe dream. However if I had my druthers every congressman/ senator should have to make do with the same Health Care and Pension Benefits that the rest are forced to rely on. While I'm on that, I frankly do not see why there are luxurious benefits for serving the nation as a legislator while veterans who sacrificed far more are barely able to get a timely appointment at the VA.

Yep. And that is EXACTLY why I don't expect anything to change. At least, not from within the system. My view on it is: The only way we are going to get REAL change, is if the american people ignore the ballot box, step down off their soap box, and pick up their cartridge box. But then, most of the population is too fat, dumb, and lazy to expend that kind of effort.



The youth of the U. S. A. don't get paid enough to be able to buy a weapon and pick up the expensive cartridge boxes. Only the few who have cartridge loaders and shells with gunpowder can even begin to share your hopes. Then again, I don't see you doing anything but laid back texting.


It isn't any of the leaders who are running that are responsible for the population explosion, Right! wink wink, Look at China, just 1.4 billion people. There's still plenty of land in China except the Rich aren't buying those empty cities from the U. S. of A.


The big problem is the USA has a, "End all A-Bomb Wars bomb" and if the triggers, planted, around the U. S. of A. get hit by large bombs, atomic, neutron, or hydrogen bombs the world ends. No plant or microscopic cell will survive.


Were you even reading when I wrote, long ago, about the time in my youth where I read those Weekly Readers in Grade School. Those Cobalt bombs will rip half the mantel of the Earth off and leave nothing but boiling water and magma all burning life away all living things everywhere else. The dumb asses, if they didn't really build them fine, but it looks to me like they forgot to dismantle them when the agreement with RUSSIA and the USA agreed to reduce the numbers of Atomic Bombs on Rocket War Heads.


The stories in the Weekly Reader had me believing we people of Earth needed to find a more peaceful way to end all Wars. And I was only 6 or 7 at the time.


Hey! You know! Now that I think about it; if the scientists did build those Cobalt Bombs the U. S. of A. is like a great big puzzle game. Like that free Microsoft game, Minesweep. Mine sweep, or Mines weep? Don't hit the mines and you're all good and well off to plant your crops in the radiated soil to find out what, if anything, will grow and what the vegetables will mutate to, i.e., if they will even grow.

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If we think the current batch of registered voters is the first to be stupid then we are sadly mistaken. I remember that my grandparents were registered democrat and republican and would cancel their votes out each year when they hit the straight ticket option. Every year for 50 some years. Every..one...


Or my state that re-elected a convicted criminal and known corrupted politician. His daughter currently sits as representative for my state in Congress. She kept her maiden name as part of her name. Shelly Moore Capito. Think she didn't want that "moore" to be a recognizable thing? Real Estate may be location, location, location...but in voting it is name recognition, recognition, recognition.


And the mud slinging isn't new either. I point to the election of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams where they used proxies to write into various newspapers calling the other candidate just about everything in the book and threw his mother in for good measure. Probably one of the ugliest mud slinging ever. We forget about that though. The difference between then and now is people that voted were more engaged in the process. Did they often believe the mud slinging? Of course some did. However there was just as many more that did not as most would read both papers and articles. Fair and balanced is when you bother to read more than the one thing.


So really this has all been happening for generations. It just isn't subtle anymore. There are no proxies (well sometime there are, I'm looking at you campaign members who play sacrificial goat when something awful gets said.) The mud has a glimmer of truth to it..just enough. And when the voters do not know or understand how things are done-it makes them all the easier to manipulate. People believe everything they see or hear and if it is on the web it MUST be true. Worst thing after social media is sites and articles that perpetrate like they are in some way a real thing and not just an opinion. It's like if I know how to make a fancy site then I must know all other things as well. MEH!


So yes, a major overhaul of the system is needed. We CAN make them do it. It would take alot of work and dedication but it could be done. It just won't be. People are lazy and as long as their bellies are full, the cable is working and there are cartridges with the gun, well....not much incentive for the majority is there?


So yes...everyone write me in!! I may get enough votes to get interviewed and I promise to tell them all the things that we want to change. I suspect they put that article on the back page of the lifestyles section. ha ha ha

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Am I advocating armed insurrection? Well, no, not really. I am simply stating that given the current state of affairs, that is the ONLY way I see things actually changing for the better. On our current path, I see us heading toward economic disaster. The national debt is skyrocketing, with no sign whatsoever that it is going to slow, or, what is really needed, reverse..... and the US start paying off some of that outstanding debt. There is going to come a point when no one is going to be willing to buy our bonds, or loan us money, as there will be zero hope of ever seeing a return on that investment. (in all reality, I suspect we have already passed the point of having any hope of paying it off....... next step is for the rest of the world to realize that, and cut off our line of credit.....) The end result of that is going to be outright disastrous.... putting it very mildly..... We will take the entire world economy down the tubes with us.......


Do I expect to see another civil war? Nope. Not at all. I expect things to continue, exactly as they are, until the slow slide becomes an avalanche... And then all those idiots in washington are going to be saying "how did it come to this?" and pretend they don't know EXACTLY what happened, and start looking for someone to blame, rather than taking steps to correct/recover. Typical washington behavior.


I would vote for ya Lis, but, I suspect that it would be a death sentence for you. :) Doing things that actually make sense, help the 'little guy', and deprive the bigwigs in washington, and their uber-rich supporters.... of their major revenue streams, WILL make you some enemies. They ain't gonna take kindly to that, and will take steps to see you removed from office, one way or another. Either via some contrived scandal, political pressure, or, more 'direct' means...... One of the reasons that I HAVEN'T actually made any effort to run for the office. (even though I am well aware it would be an exercise in futility. :) ) Besides, the president doesn't have the power to change most of the things that would need it. He/She can't make law, only propose it, then approve, or veto it. Gonna take more than one person in washington to get us moving in the direction we need to, and they all need to be on the same page. Something that is most unlikely to happen. I have seen a few folks run for office, on a common sense platform.... Once elected, and actually in office, they discover that one voice is drowned out by all the others, and that the lone individual, can get nothing at all accomplished in the current system, and they end up just like everyone else there, doing the job for what it can do for THEM, not what they should be doing for the country.

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