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Yeah, but..... as the old saying goes: It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings..... She hasn't even stepped up onto the stage yet. Trump is by no means out of the race, we still have quite some time to go before November...... A LOT can change between now, and then.

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Trump placing second hasn't influence my already neutral and indifferent opinion of him. Would he make a good President? Most likely not, but he would be far better than Hillary Rod-Ham or a Socialist. If Trump gets the nomination he'll get my vote, simply because I would be voting against a Democrat.

Ted Cruz scares me, more so than Sanders. Sanders freely admits what he is and what he plans to do. There is something wormy and wrong about Cruz. He seems contrived to me and I'm usually a good judge of character. I don't think Cruz can be trusted and from what I've read he won't be able to hold together a Republican House and Senate. I also think Cruz is a closet Progressive, though I have no proof of that. It is simply the impression I get.

I think Marco Rubio is another closet Progressive, at least on illegal aliens getting/not getting/well-maybe-getting amnesty. He changes hats too often. Rubio as President changes the White House to the Waffle House. It will be a replay of Bush2, imo.


To their credit, any of the Republicans is a better option than Clinton the proven liar and hypocrite or Sanders the Socialist. Regardless of who gets the Republican nomination they will be getting my vote, though to be honest I'm hoping for Trump/Sanders ticket. American politics is a circus and we need a Ring master. If Trump wins there might be a small reset in the economy and manufacturing could possibly come back. Plus he'll at least do SOMETHING about the Daes-Daesh-Islam-o-douches and their Medieval BS. If Sanders wins there will be a hard reset and the economy will crumble, along with American safety since he honestly believes global warming is a more immediate threat than Isil.


Cruz, Rubio, Clinton and Sanders. If we have learned one thing, Senators make for lousy Presidents. Looking at you Barack O-bummer.

Edited by WursWaldo
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Its a minefield...


Trump. Well he is a good business man, a 'royalist' one perhaps but I can see the pull. But I do worry that he is a business man first and a statesman (or even American) second. Thing is that America is a country and not just a business and it seems to me the most articulate way in which Trump can negotiate something is to go "f*#@ yeah!" and well in some instances he makes Bush Jr. seem like poet laureate. However all the other rep. candidates just come across a bit wet in comparison. Without stripping off or just saying something more outrageous how can they compete with the 'Trumpness'.


As far as foreign policy goes, well I understand the feeling of wanting things to be done with and to get back to a more secure way of life. Unfortunately the dragon is already awake and it is likely things will burn. Whether I like it or not America has a HUGE influence over my life - whoever thought America was not great is sorely mistaken. They still are the most powerful nation in the world, however this can all be for nothing if it all goes tits up. I am dubious to trust Trump on his regressive talk, after all lest we forget he is a business man, perhaps soon to be a politician. Yes he may get factories and manufacturing going again if that is what people want but being driven by profits it will most likely increase the cases of foreign ownership and low wages. Don't get me wrong either, international corporations obviously DO work but it is being sold something you are not going to get and what might happen further down the line that I worry about. Exactly the same thing in the UK... "oh yeah we'll vote for you to look after us... oh wait... you mean what!??"


Other side of the table? Well I understand the problems their too, the lying and deceit being exactly the same as above. Equally most of the candidates just don't seem on the same page as a large swathe of the states, but then they probably only have themselves and previous governments to blame for that as they all become increasingly out of touch with what most people feel or have to deal with on a day to day basis. Personally, from this side of the pond, Obama has done a lot for people's image of America after the damage that Bush did. However bad it might be behind the curtains (and its absolute rubbish here too) from the outside it seems much more sensible. Unconstitutional perhaps and believe you me I understand how complex things like the second amendment are, but things like that are just more in tune with what many countries would like the 'land of hope and glory' to represent for the West (as an alternative to the death cults being displayed on our TV screens over and over again). Most ironic thing about that of course is the situation we have this side of the Atlantic with more and more private police and military slowly creeping in around us.


I don't know... maybe the Sword in the Stone isn't such a bad idea :laugh:

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Yeah, but..... as the old saying goes: It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings..... She hasn't even stepped up onto the stage yet. Trump is by no means out of the race, we still have quite some time to go before November...... A LOT can change between now, and then.


That's a point of ancient times in the U. S. of A.. All those simple jobs us guys used to be able get so we could support a wife and children is gone.


Liberation has occurred for women.


The fat lady doesn't even have to leave her warm vacation home on the islands anymore. She makes a lot more money then she did working for the Circus, Carnivals, and Freak Shows.


In fact, "She can be a candidate for President if she wants to too."


Maybe a guy can get that job? :dance:


I'll have to lose a few pounds! :sweat:


I could be the first! :woot: "The skinny guy sings!"

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Yeah, but..... as the old saying goes: It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings..... She hasn't even stepped up onto the stage yet. Trump is by no means out of the race, we still have quite some time to go before November...... A LOT can change between now, and then.


That's a point of ancient times in the U. S. of A.. All those simple jobs us guys used to be able get so we could support a wife and children is gone.


Liberation has occurred for women.


The fat lady doesn't even have to leave her warm vacation home on the islands anymore. She makes a lot more money then she did working for the Circus, Carnivals, and Freak Shows.


In fact, "She can be a candidate for President if she wants to too."


Maybe a guy can get that job?


I'll have to lose a few pounds!


I could be first! "The skinny guy sings!"



They started making lab grown babies over here now. Between that and robotics, we'll all be obsolete soon! :D


No but really... :ohdear:

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Yeah, but..... as the old saying goes: It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings..... She hasn't even stepped up onto the stage yet. Trump is by no means out of the race, we still have quite some time to go before November...... A LOT can change between now, and then.


That's a point of ancient times in the U. S. of A.. All those simple jobs us guys used to be able get so we could support a wife and children is gone.


Liberation has occurred for women.


The fat lady doesn't even have to leave her warm vacation home on the islands anymore. She makes a lot more money then she did working for the Circus, Carnivals, and Freak Shows.


In fact, "She can be a candidate for President if she wants to too."


Maybe a guy can get that job?


I'll have to lose a few pounds!


I could be first! "The skinny guy sings!"



They started making lab grown babies over here now. Between that and robotics, we'll all be obsolete soon! :D


No but really...



I saw an advertisement for a floor vacuum cleaner with 360 vision so it can clean without border beacons. Pretty soon the house wives and house cleaners are going to all be standing up straight and be tall and thin. Because they will only be cleaning the walls and ceilings.


At least, until, someone invents a robotic wall and ceiling vacuum cleaner. :ohdear:

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