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What computer can run this huge mod list ?


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Hello everyone,


I never played Skyrim past the first dungeon near Riverwood. I went straight to download all the compelling mods I could find.

I found myself with a huge list of mods that enhance the game so much it is very impressive and exciting!


Although, my computer doesn't agree with me and my FPS goes between 20-60.

My computer was a high-end rig 2 years ago, it runs smoothly any vanilla game, or decently modded skyrim even. But that list, heck it's very demanding...



- Interiors always 60

- When I exit an interior I have a few stutters when I'm outside.

- Exteriors between 20-60


You can find my whole list of mods in a excel file below, but what I think impact mostly my performances are:

- 4k textures packs

- Scripts

- Cities enhancements


My computer:

  • CPU: i5 3570K Core Speed: 4.2GHz
  • Memory: 16GB DDR3 951MHz
  • GPU: GTX 780 3072MBytes Core 32MHz
  • SSD: Samsung 940 Pro 256GB (Win7 and Skyrim+mods)
  • HDD: Seagate 7200 RPM (10 years old)
  • Cache: L1 32KB, L2 256KB, L3 6MB


It was a very powerful computer 1 or 2 years ago, but still remains solid today.


I'm running Skyrim with Mod Organizer (closed when I run Skyrim), and the bare minimum with it while playing, no random applications.

I have SkyRe Reproccer as well as Dual Sheath Redux Reproccer.

I used LOOT and TES5Edit, that I added myself in MO, to clean all the esm.


I have around 200 mods running, it's heavily scripted with all the NPC mods. Also I have several Parallax 4k and a lot of texture packs in 2k, 4k.

My Skyrim is running with Real Vision ENB and I added a few city mods.


As an example of the worst performances I am getting:

30 FPS on the bridge of Riverwood, while looking at the village (between 30-50 while running in Riverwood)

20 FPS while moving the camera around in the Whiterun exterior city, added by Expanded Towns and Cities


My average while playing normally, without searching for the worst performances and spots: 35-45 FPS.

No problem whatsoever in the interiors as I stated before.


I never used any Textures Optimizer.


I am wondering if I am using double textures for the same content, same for Parallax.

Basically, maybe if I remove 1 texture package, I would see no difference and get better performance.

I am unaware if multiple mods replace the same textures.


My question:

What components could run my modded Skyrim with a stable 60 FPS (if capped to 60) and no stutter ?


My Mods List:



Edited by WickedCat
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Community is not dead but your question is not necessarily something that anyone reading would know the answer to. I know that I do not know the answer.


Also, you state you are using MO but have no idea if multiple mods use the same files. MO can tell you what mods conflict when the mods in question use loose files. Still it matters not if multiple mods provide the same file, the file with highest priority in MO is the one that will be used. The other file versions it conflicts with will not be loaded.


That said, you can increase your fps slightly by reducing all your 4k textures down to 2k or even 1k if those options are available. Unless you are going to be right up on the texture, you aren't going to notice that much of a difference.

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IsharaMeradin pretty much hit it on the head. I guarantee you that resource-hungry textures are your main culprit. You've indicated that your GPU has a 3GB memory buffer. That's not that bad even by today's standards. (I'm doing okay with an old GTX 670 with only 2GB of buffer, but I can't even consider anything near 4K graphics.)


You're best bet (if you absolutely want to keep all your hi-res textures, ENBs, etc.) is to upgrade your video card. Two possiblities are:

1) GTX 980 with 4GB of memory at approximately $450.

2) R9 390 Nitro with 8 (yes, eight!) GB of mem buffer at approximately $350.


The 980 is faster and quieter, but the 390 Nitro has a huge memory buffer (for all those textures) and is a lot cheaper.


Edit: Stupid automatic smiley's.... Grrrr.

Edited by LeddBate
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Ok thank you for your answers.


Regarding the conflicts, I am assuming then MO handles them, since I didn't have any red cross or errors, my load order was neat.


Now regarding my computer I think I will go for a 980 Tis SLI, hovering to 12GB Vram.

I read it is performing 80-90% better than a single Titan X (also 12GB) if the game scales good at 4k.


Now, if I'm going with these 2 980 Tis and 4k res textures, is my 24" monitor good enough ?

I don't want a supersized screen, so playing at over 1080p isn't necessary, right ?


Besides my monitor, I know I'll have to buy a complete new rig for those 2 beasts.

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