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Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.0) with Fallout 4 Support Released!


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Hey - I encountered the following problem: It seams that for Fallout 4, NMM installers only fire once after you downloaded a mod, then they don't come up again when deactivating/reactivating the mod... is that intended? Edited by warbaby2
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The problems SOME people, Not all by a long shot, are having with NMM have absolutely nothing to do with FO4. The problems have been with converting the old mods in older games like Skyrim to the new file structure used with NMM v 0.60. As the older versions of NMM do NOT support FO4 at all, there is nothing to convert and no problem.


For those who do have a problem with the conversion in older games, once that conversion is done, or the mods are reinstalled using the new version, It works fine.


Profiling was the number one requested feature for the last year. Many people were complaining because NMM did not have it. Now it does. If you are really that afraid of it, just don't use the profiles. :rolleyes:


For people who don't know what profiling is, all it means is being able to have multiple versions of your mod list and being able to switch between them. This allows you to have one profile for a stealth character, and another for a mage and another for a fighter, and another for testing new mods without risking your main game. Each profile would have a different set of mods.

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Ever since I updated the NMM for FO4 it completely ruined it for Skyrim. I reinstalled Skyrim, and every single mod and have added them all, and made sure all the plug ins are checked. I've looked up solutions and none of them have worked. Everything looks like it's going fine, I see no problems, but as soon as I launch the game a majority of the mods don't load. Does this have anything to do with the NMM update? It's driving me insane.
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In response to post #31005285.

BigSexy2010 wrote:

So after searching the internet high and low for a solution as to why I keep getting the warning from the nmm and being unable to activate my downloaded mods nmm just released an update fixing (kind of) this issue. Now when I go to activate a mod I get a new warning saying: Unable to retrive data from ini files, please report issue on the NMM forums. and then goes on to say I need to make changes to ini files wich I have already done. After the warning however, the mod does activate. So for those of you still getting the warning about not setting your ini, check for a NMM update; You may still get a warning but hey; at least you can mod Fallout 4

yep, still annoying though that this kind of stuff comes up.
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In response to post #31020130. #31067325, #31214075 are all replies on the same post.

dormdude wrote: I've edited the ini files and installed a few mods but none of the mods are working. I've done everything right I've even deleted the game an reinstalled it again and still nothing.i can't find this problem anywhere else online. I also keep randomly having an issue of the game crashing as soon as i get to the main menus. this sometimes happens after i edit the ini files but not always. once it happens once it'll continue until i verify the files in steam but after i verify the files it's fixed but ini files are still the same as if i already edited them. if anyone can help me out that would be great. i was really hoping to be able to live stream some modded fallout gameplay by Friday.
dormdude wrote: Seriously no one has a fix for this yet?
infinityone wrote: Same here, none cares.

Went back to manual mode for now.

the same happened to me
so now we have to use the mod manager again?

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