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Filenames with version numbers


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Is it possible to allow the period (.) character in filename descriptions. It seems logical to include versions along with the filenames now that multiple versions can be associated to the same mod.




BETA Testing Characters 1.0

BETA Testing Characters 1.1

BETA Testing Characters 1.2


Currently, the only way to do this is something like the following (all of which looks weird):


BETA Testing Characters 1-0

BETA Testing Characters 1-1

BETA Testing Characters 1-2




BETA Testing Characters 1_0

BETA Testing Characters 1_1

BETA Testing Characters 1_2


It would also be a nice bonus to have some javascript that checks the filename field for valid characters before it is submitted. I used the period character in the version number out of instinct and waited 15 minutes for the mod to finish uploading before it gave me the error that a character was not allowed.


If you prefer not to check before the upload occurs, at least automatically strip out unwanted characters and allow the file upload to work.




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