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Boethia is a... complex identity. The Book of the Daedra tends to gloss over many of the nuances of the Princes, and seems to be more focused on the political line of the 8(9) divines than any actual information on the Daedra themselves...


Boethia is about the betterment of the self. Becoming better than you are now. Struggling through adversity and coming out stronger on the other side. This is best embodied by Her/His favoured children, the Chimer/Dunmer.


The easiest route is, of course, violent... But Boethia's greatest champions were also shrewd diplomats and great leaders. Veloth was even a great healer. In fact, it seems that there's a limit to how far violence, of a physical sort, can take you. But that starts to push into CHIM territory...


Anyway, Boethia's schtick with the overthrow of authority is about the rejection of law and the service to ones self. Authority is a rule of law, an establishment of hierarchy and social status, whereas Boethia demand one stand by their own personal merit. The overthrow is a test of that merit.


Hmmm, so Boethiah is like a patron of the Ubermenschen.

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We are talking about information from daggerfall. This might not true anymore.


Yes, a good friend just pointed that out to me in PMs, lol.


So... yeah. My bad!


Thanks everyone for the good discussion though. Hopefully I didn't annoy any of you too much, haha!

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