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Help with dialogue - location, armor triggering


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1. Wearing Amulet problem.

I want to make npc start the conversation with "You wear amulet of Stendarr/Dibella/Mara" but not sure how to do it.

I used getIsUsedItem ArmorAddon:"MaraAmuletAA"

It's not triggering other conversations than normal.


2. Location dependent problem.

I want certain conversation to start only in specific location (Whiterun for example)

GetIsEditorLocation Location:WhiterunLocation

Conversation doesn't pop up at all, follower is silent.



3. Idle chatter

Like when followers are shouting "There's a cave!" thing. Cave, ruins, cities etc... they don't use lines at all.

Edited by Amczek
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1. You are trying to use the armor addon instead of the armor. Armor addon is just the appearance or in some cases only part of the appearance of the final armor. You want ReligiousMaraLove for the actual armor piece. And it does show up with GetEquipped.


3. On the DialogueFollower Quest under the misc tab, you can see all the random/idle chatter that the followers say. If you look at them you'll see that they use LocationHasKeyword as part of their conditions.


2. For more specific location dialogue, the DialogueFollower quest uses GetInCurrentLoc as part of its conditions, these are also found in the misc tab.



All it took was looking at existing records to see how the game handled it. I don't work with dialogue myself.

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You helped me with this amulet thing. It does work now.


Still I have a problem with Follower Dialogue.

I can't make a voice file, so I can't say if it's actually working or not.



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Hello Amczek,


It sounds like you could benefit from learning about Forcegreet Packages as using this with location based conditions (such as GetInCurrentLoc) would likely produce the results you're looking for if you want the NPC to start a conversation with the player based on where they are.


Of course, you may also want to use quest stages or something so that once that conversation is over/done, it won't repeat every time the player and NPC returns to that location.


If you don't want the NPC to initiate the conversation and you just want a dialogue option to be available if they are in a certain location than you would still use the same conditions, you just wouldn't need the forcegreet.


If some of this is to imitate the romance aspect Skyrim uses, then I suggest you go to Quest or All and type Relationship and then look at the dialogue located there. It will show you the conditions used.


For your current issue, did you simply press "OK" and then go back to try to record? Did you okay all the way out then go back and try to record? That should work I believe.


Also, I noticed that your actor's ID begins with numbers. I am not sure as to why, but I have read and heard at different points that IDs shouldn't begin with numbers. I've been told it can cause problems. Personally I don't know, I've just avoided doing it.


My advice for a prefix is choose 4 letters that have a meaning. Like your follower's first and last initials and two letters from your name or something to that effect.

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Thank you very much for your help. I'm mostly looking at "Interesting NPCs" where npc is talking a lot sharing random thoughts along the journey and have lines for dungeons/dwemer ruin etc.

Not a dialog but... well... just saying it without interacting with the PC (I don't know other word for that, english is not my first language if that's any excuse at all. That's why sometimes I have troubles with understanding what function do but to be fair I started my first mod on Thrusday so... it wasn't a full week even, I have to learn better, I know).



Those lines like "Oh, it's a cave, we should check inside" or "Those Graybeards must feel alone up in here" (like Mjoll is saying while we're on High Hrothgar).


I don't want marriage, but want npc "greet" (once clicked to talk with) if the player is wearing an amulet or ebony armor. This sort of thing ("Wow, you do have ebony boots" instead of "How can I help you"). But I do managed to new dialogue to pop up when PC is wearing amulet so it's almost as good.


As for 00_ it's because I kept loosing my npcs (try to make two of them at same time because they share a lot) and this way they are always on top as a quest, npc or voicetype.


With recoring yes, I tried OK and re-entering voice lines, restaring CK and my PC. It sometimes won't let me do new lines (for example if one of attributes is GetSex Female/Male.)

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What you are primarily referring to is called idles or idle dialogue. It's what the NPC says randomly without any kind of interaction/activation from the player. If more than one NPC does this with one another without player interaction, it is called a scene... thought scenes can involve player interaction.


And it is okay not to fully understand. We'll get there. Just takes some patience is all.


As The Pale Redguard was kind enough to point out, you just need to go to Quest -> Dialogue -> DialogueFollower -> and look for the Misc tab. To see all the idles and what conditions they use.


I understand why you started them with numbers, but I do think it is something that can potentially create problems for you. Here is an article about Naming Conventions.


You shouldn't have to do all that to be able to record. First, I'd change your NPC's ID so it starts with letters instead of numbers. Then try. If it won't let you record. Hit Ok and then double click the line again. If that still doesn't work, we'll go from there, but we should be able to figure this out.

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Thank you very much for your time. By the way thank you for this link, this guy makes it easy to understand (most have pre-made things and I'm lost sometimes) and probably what he does would be my next concern :smile:


I never really thought about it, that naming it like that would cause problems. I think one of the youtube tutorials had a guy with 00bob name or something like that.

I checked it with other random npc with different name and yup, I can change it now.


It seems will be easier for me to just start with followers from the scratch since there's too much to change and it's more than sure I will fail. I haven't gone too far anyway, that's a good thing for a change.

I will returnt to this topic once I re-make basic follower and try new things like scenes etc.

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That's good news that you got it to work and I'm glad a link may help you out.


Nothing wrong with failing. When modding, failing is just part of the process before succeeding. Just try not to let it get you down is all or make you give up.


Since you're starting over, I'd like to recommend some tutorials. You may already have these or some of them, but just in case.


Video on Making a Follower -
**Standalone Follower - Tutorial Creating Standalone NPCs by Natilde
***Custom Follower Framework*** - Making a Custom Follower: Skyrim Modding Tutorial
Scene Building -
by doughamil
I know it is a lot, but still. Don't give up and good luck with your project.
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