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Stop the repeating minutemen quests


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I don't know about you, but I have really had enough of spending all my playtime running back and forth across the map repeating already completed quests for the minutemen because every time you talk to Preston Garvy he gives you another one. I have to find my son FFS! I can't constantly be re-killing three ghouls or re-clearing Corvega because a settlement with 30 turrets around it feels threatened.


If anyone can make a mod which stops the settlements having additional problems once they have been cleared that would be fantastic.

Actual attacks on the settlements are another matter, and really should be able to be resolved without you, especially as without Fast Travel how can you reach them in time. But its the repeating quests that is the real issue

Thank you.

Edited by goatcha
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The worst part, is when you turn in, he immediately gives you another. I refuse to turn them in any more, now when I fished I use the console to end the mission a million miles away so he can't give me anymore freaking quests. In the Railroad, if I WANT a radiant quest, I go to the radiant quest giver and talk to them. They don't come to me. I wish Preston was that way.


I do have plans for my own mod, so if this is simple, I may incorporate right into it. But yeah, he is soo annoying!!

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Problem is the minutemen quests have a time limit on them, if you don't talk to the settlers you fail the quest, which doesn't actually seem to do anything, but it still bothers me.

And if you complete it but fail to tell Garvey it will eventually complete on its own, and you can also pick them up from the Castle, or just settlers wandering up to you in a settlement.


Good luck on your mod JTL2.

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If the settlement has defence, im sure the raiders dont really threaten much or cant kidnap ppl... So, they can only attack it. No def, THEN they can kidnap ppl and spook em etc.

They will totally kidnap a settler on guard duty in power armor and minigun, its really stupid.

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I don't know about you all, but when I build a settlement, from the ground up, I usually put into place, first, defenses. Typically a good number of heavy machine gun turrets. (No energy requirement.) I don't bother with things like fences, etc, as they can be cut through, etc. easily enough. Those should be good enough to fight off even super mutants. What I would like to see, personally, is where the turrets are counted as defenses, but not part of the amount of stuff you have in your settlement. And you can assign a settler to service the turrets, after they are done. Attempting to kidnap someone? You have to go through all the turrets I put up. Want to demand a tribute from my settlement? Good luck with that, with my turrets. I want to go somewhere, set it up, and not be bothered, too much, with it until they really need something, like more food, water, beds, etc. And even more defenses. Or new defenses. I really hate that not only do you have to set it up, but that you have to "save" the people there. I do have one other idea here. That is this, there is an armorer stand, right? Well, why can't the settlers go there and get armor, and put it on themselves? Or a weapons store, why can't they arm themselves better that way?

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Yeah its one of the many major problems.

My settlements are all completely surrounded by heavy laser and missile turrets, defence rating from 200-600 generally depending on the size of the place; and yet attacks still happen and I have to personally show up for them to survive even though all I do is sit behind a wall while the turrets wipe out the super mutant horde in 5-15 seconds.

And even with that level of defence they still feel threatened by three ghouls and can't stop raiders from kidnapping people who I have armed with fully tricked out guns.

Which is why I'd love this mod.

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or reduce the FREQUENCY of such events, since some give quests to open up new workshops (good)

did you know some of the quests to open new workshops have timers?!

I found that out yesterday, at least for the Jamaica Plain one

now THAT Is damn stupid and annoying on top of the rest


spend haldfmy damn time dealing with these freakin stupid Minutemen quests, really irksome

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Current system does not make any sense: fully fortified sanctuary has people crying how they have to run and hide every time they see super mutant, really breaks immersion. My dream mod would be that if your defence is too low those kidnapping quests would appear. Then those "new settlement-quest" would only appear when you have enough happiness in certain amount of settlements. There will be a point in game when you have successfully made every settlement impenetrable, which would stop repeating quests. Really big time-sink, but rewarding feeling when you finally can go and tell Preston to shut up.


Also, i really like SirTwist's idea of settler using armory to gear themselves. Armory could be upgradeable or it could just use leftover gear from player.


There could be also be a lot more variety on type of quest you get, since now it's just kidnapping or rats across the map. You could have quest where you supply-lines are being raided, water contamination, sabotage, rebellions if happiness is too low (which also need modding, because it's currently too easy, at least in normal-difficulty).

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