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Stop the repeating minutemen quests


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It'd be nice if while on those rescue missions, once finished, and area cleared. If you could drop a Beacon and take that s*** for you own, instead of just leaving sites pre built for the enemy to retake.


If you take them for your own settlements than they lose their spawn point (im guessing) and you lose s#*! do to in the game.. something similar i would enjoy would be when you clear some are like a junkyard for instance... you could be able to call in a scavenging unit from the nearest settlements to collect some of the s#*! that are would give... (junkyard -> metal, Mutant Camp -> wood, Ghouls nest->uncommon items, and so on)

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I haven't played in a while, but last time I played, and I am pretty far along in game play, I was working on defenses, etc. for one settlement, when I get a message on the radio to go help another settlement clear on the other side of the map. I have decided, next time I play, I'm going to rearrange a lot of stuff in all of my settlements. Such as block off certain points, make one entrance to said settlement, put defenses so high not even super mutants can get through, and see what happens. I'm planning a defense in detail. And with a couple of mods helping, I'm going to see what happens with one particular settlement. Basically, exterior layer is missile turrets. Next layer, slightly behind, is laser turrets. Behind that, on down to machine gun turrets. I saw a pretty cool video on about how to fill in the gaps of the Castle, and I thought well, if I have walls made of the concrete floors, at a certain height, about 3 stacks, and each layer up offset, I could mount defenses on that, then inside, have other defenses in play. I think, though, I am going to work with all of my settlements, and just do what I can. If the one mod, Robot Home Defense, works better than turrets. I may use turrets as back up to the bots. And hopefully, with the way I want to do thing, it will actually work much better. I will repost if my plan works. I don't know how to live stream, or even record, so I will just have to describe it. I'm thinking, for example, of using Abernathy Farm for a test base. If that works, then move on. I know I have some rework to do with my settlements, but I think it will be worth it.

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I haven't played in a while, but last time I played, and I am pretty far along in game play, I was working on defenses, etc. for one settlement, when I get a message on the radio to go help another settlement clear on the other side of the map. I have decided, next time I play, I'm going to rearrange a lot of stuff in all of my settlements. Such as block off certain points, make one entrance to said settlement, put defenses so high not even super mutants can get through, and see what happens. I'm planning a defense in detail. And with a couple of mods helping, I'm going to see what happens with one particular settlement. Basically, exterior layer is missile turrets. Next layer, slightly behind, is laser turrets. Behind that, on down to machine gun turrets. I saw a pretty cool video on about how to fill in the gaps of the Castle, and I thought well, if I have walls made of the concrete floors, at a certain height, about 3 stacks, and each layer up offset, I could mount defenses on that, then inside, have other defenses in play. I think, though, I am going to work with all of my settlements, and just do what I can. If the one mod, Robot Home Defense, works better than turrets. I may use turrets as back up to the bots. And hopefully, with the way I want to do thing, it will actually work much better. I will repost if my plan works. I don't know how to live stream, or even record, so I will just have to describe it. I'm thinking, for example, of using Abernathy Farm for a test base. If that works, then move on. I know I have some rework to do with my settlements, but I think it will be worth it.

Tried that. Don't work.


If there is no logical entrance for the mobs to go to(IE fully fenced off, ringed with turrets, etc) the 'attacks' spawn inside the settlement (Usually right at center, often end up stuck under floors u placed)


The settlements I've set up with 'towers' at the 4 corner points (and maybe 1 in center) NEVER get 'center point' spawns, and mobs always come from far outside the settlement boundaries.

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I tend to put at least one set of gates on each settlement but abernathy farm needs another gate near the house next to where their brahmin is since the provisioners and traders try to walk through any walls I place there instead of going around to the other gate at the bottom of the hill I usually place there. When there is a gate I think the spawns stay outside the walls but hug up on the walls and why the dam settlers always abandon their guard posts and go outside the settlement to attack the enemies? Why even build guard posts then? Hopefully a mod fixes their AI for this crap.

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And most annoying is also that they get herassed by raider gangs that are literally on the oposit side of the map. Like wtf?


I would love to have a mod like this. I don't mind the defending missions, they are rare if your defense is high enough compared to the production.

But those useless "Oh there is 2 ghouls 2000 miles away, please do something" is really pissing me off. Its also the main reason why i only got 4 settlements in my second playthrough.



I completely agree

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i also have noticed if i move settlers around it screws up the quests.

i got one from Nordhagen yesterday, but i had to go to Starlight to talk to the person

even worse is when you have to talk to the Provisioner to start/end the quest - PITA catching them sometimes.


what i do to help minimize these quests:

Never tell Preston you finished the quest - the quest will eventually complete itself, but it will greatly delay getting a new one.

in the kidnappings i just pay the ransom, this avoids having to go to a dungeon and re-kill enemies ive already killed 10 times



there are some mods out for this issue, but i have not gotten any of them to work right

Edited by volksjager88
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or reduce the FREQUENCY of such events, since some give quests to open up new workshops (good)

did you know some of the quests to open new workshops have timers?!

I found that out yesterday, at least for the Jamaica Plain one

now THAT Is damn stupid and annoying on top of the rest


spend haldfmy damn time dealing with these freakin stupid Minutemen quests, really irksome

I'm with him on this.

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