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Bethesda lost their sense of humor?


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So after a meager 35 or so hours of game play I think I realize what's wrong. In FO3 I continually encountered little (and big) things that amused me or even made be laugh. I have yet to see anything even remotely like that in FO4, I actually think this might have been my problem with FONV. Am I the only one?


I don't want any spoilers but does it get back to it's FO3 "roots" as you explore more areas? I guess there is nothing wrong with a serious, morbid, post apocalyptic game but the comedy in FO3 made it so much better.

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Oh, it's definitely got some more seriousness to it, and people in the Commonwealth aren't as... borderline insane as many of the Capital Wasteland's inhabitants... But the humour is there. A lot of it's more... quirky than outright crazy like Moira. For instance, without spoiling anything, there's one location where you can find a skeleton, sitting on a bed, who clearly died trying to fish out of a toilet bowl. That alone isn't overly silly, but the bucket of fish heads next to the bed made me chuckle.


If you want some more dedicated humour though. Go find the USS Constitution.

Edited by Lachdonin
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My favorite skeleton is the one near the pond located close to Vault 81 and those apartments inhabited by super mutants. There, you'll see a skeleton sitting in a wheelchair just pushed out onto the water on a raft. It's like grandpa died in a senility moment just floating out onto the lake to his inevitable death.

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Aside from vault 108, I personally didn't find Fallout 3 to be all that funny. Great game, to be sure; just not particularly funny in comparison to the other games in the series. Fallout 2 reigns supreme when it comes to humor, especially if you play with low intelligence, though the dialogue in NV's Old World Blues DLC is relentlessly hilarious and some of the most amusing writing I've come across in just about anything ever. While Fallout 4 isn't outright funny, I've encountered loads of incidental humor and kooky shenanigans that have made me chuckle. I feel like the bits of humor in FO3 stand out the most because the vast majority of the game is exceptionally grimdark (which makes sense, given the fact that D.C was hit hardest by the nukes), whereas in FO4 it has more instances of humor spread across a wider space...if that makes sense.


I was playing the game the other day and opened a random bathroom stall to find two mannequins with plastic pumpkins over their heads facing each other from across a toilet stuffed to capacity with bubblegum. That gave me a good chuckle. I'm not denying that Fallout 3 doesn't have moments like those, but none that immediately come to mind. Mannequins with pumpkin heads in a stare-down over a toilet filled with bubblegum, though...that's some powerful imagery of the hard-to-forget variety.


I dunno. As a whole, I feel as though Fallout 4 sits somewhere in the middle between the quirkiness of Black Isle/Obsidian's FO titles and the seriousness of FO3. It seems like Bethesda let loose a little more with their ideas for Fallout 4 than they did with 3, and that translates to a generally more amusing experience.

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I'll have to look into that perk combo with Valentine.


There are definitely a lot of oddly-posed mannequins and or dead bodies in places, 'telling' little stories. Sometimes I wonder if the raiders must get really weird ideas on all those chems.


There's also some baby blocks down in some odd corner of vault 81's generator room that I found amusing to read. I also recall a Mr. Gutsy enforcing a curfew that another player interacted with to a very hilarious ends. I wasn't able to repeat the social encounter (I just got shot dead) but save first when it asks you "Will you comply?" and try replying with "Will you comply?". Try replying with "Will you comply?" a lot.


I'd have to agree - FO4 is not overly silly. If I recall correctly, there were a lot of people who felt NV's wacky wasteland setting was utterly immersion breaking, so I can see the impetus to avoid going too silly. FO3 feels like a world that just hasn't (or can't) recover from how decimated it was. FO4 feels like a world that's recovering but carries a lot of scars still - the humour it does show feels almost like humanity's weird attempts at coping. I can kinda dig that as a flavour, but it's a different flavour than I'm used to after the shenannigans I did for Moira.

Edited by Pthalo
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There i tons of humor, but it is mostly in for the form of funny little setpieces (there is a runing gag with finding teddybears engaging in situational shenanningans - literally dozens I've seen so far, though they can be easy to miss if you just skim over the rooms). It's a little less in your face. I think it fits since it breaks immersion a little less. It is kind of more optional. Lots of other setpiece jokes aside from the teddys too. They usually tell little funny stories about what weird things people were doing right when the bombs dropped...



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