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  1. Years later and all I have to say for it is that I've been playing skyrim as a half-crow with a katana stuck through his chest and his own featherless time-clone as a follower. Honestly? The quest of the Dragonborn isn't particularly different from your usual time player fare. And this is using entirely non-homestuck mods. I still have to stop a giant jagoff who's messing with the timeline. There's still a civil war. There's still me gaming the system for skillups and money by just crafting a crapload of daggers and flooding the market. Hermaeus Mora is just another horrorterror and they're still creepy and gross. You can still flash-step and slow time, albeit by yelling. I can only imagine being John instead of a Dave makes this all the easier since shouting is such a Windy Thing too. Alas I set out to make a Dave as a joke that went too far. I don't have homestuck-specific mods to list, but try Familiar Faces and a multiple follower framework if you feel like pulling in several 'players' from other worlds to be your companions. The nothingness of Oblivion between the daedric realms is basically the Medium anyway. Think of Familiar Faces' portal stone as a slightly modified sprite pendant, if you like. Flying Mod Beta will let you (and companions, with a little coaxing) fly around godtier style. I also use Realistic Dragon Wings and the feathered wings addon to get that seppukrow look but this isn't necessary unless you wanna be davesprite for some reason. I accidentally became a werewolf once and both my wings and chest-holstered sword failed to unequip. It was not my intention to accidentally re-create Jack Noir and I wish I'd taken screenshots. It's the lucky accidents like these that make it great. I also recommend Jaxonz renamer for all your ridiculous item/npc/location/object/injoke needs. Not all mods will immersively rename everything for you, and it really helps complete the theme when you can ride a MANGESTIC HORNSE across skyrim instead of some basic steed. If anyone has a suggestion for an npc as perfect and worthy of protection as The Mayor, I am open to suggestions. The answer is nobody is that great, but I'm willing to entertain alternatives at this point. I am on a mission here.
  2. I've been so burned by bad advertisements on other websites, I haven't disabled my blocker in at least a year or two. Seems like site owners and users are finally finding the pressure to yell back at these losers who think scripted autoplaying secret malware is acceptable. Thank you. I fully intend to unblock once the changes hit. All my respect to you guys!
  3. So give the player a portable bedroll. If sleeping bags are as described and won't let you 'sleep for extended periods' but still let you save your game, all you need to do is find a corner outside of combat and you still have your save function completely intact and on-hand. You won't get any rest bonuses and it won't keep your character from passing out, but if you gotta quit the game for your day job or your game crashes from running 48 mod plugins, a portable sleeping bag would be sufficient. Only crashes I've experienced with FO4 thus far on a mid-to-high range gaming rig were due to a single incompatable mod. And later, because I attempted to use disable/enable/setscale functions on an object in the crafting menu while I was actively holding it for placement. Holding things that don't exist is probably asking a lot of a game.
  4. Man I let my buddy play my copy of FO4 for like ten minutes and a radstorm hits. These are radstorms I got a mod for so they'd hit for like 25+ rads per bolt instead of 5. And what's he do when he sees those green clouds roll in? He goes and sleeps in a freakin' bed for 4 hours and NAPS PAST THE DANG STORM. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT DOESN'T KILL HIM FOR TRYING. No rad damage at all from it! Preposterous! I haven't tested if waiting in chairs also works but I'd be unsurprised if it did. Slightly less tedious than fast-travelling twice and a heck of a lot less awful than trying to zone on foot.
  5. See, I always figured the threshold between a ghoul with an intact brain and a ghoul without one was just a very fine line favouring overdosing the brain. Brains are weaksauce when it comes to abuse like that. Much like how supermutants are overwhelmingly BARGHLRHARGH! and Fawkes is the only exception to this rule I can name. I know Supermutants are the result of FEV exposure, and thus distinct from ghouls, but. Aren't ghouls supposedly the product of those with a genetic variation that causes them to mutate rather than die to rad poisoning? I feel like those two groups have something in common. Namely that loss of intellect seems so consistently tied to healed-by-rads. Thoughts? I have only played FO3 and 4 sadly so my familiarity with the lore is rather slim. :sad: is there any mention of sapient/feral ghouls' genetics being used in FEV development?
  6. A smart thought! Long blablabla incoming: My understanding is that they shot your spouse, took your baby, and then turned the systems back on. At that point, your spouse might not even be technically dead, they'd be cryo-suspended in critical condition. Brain death won't have occurred yet if frozen fast enough after a gunshot to the torso. I seems to go quite quickly from your perspective. If 'life support' is required for cryo-suspended people, that leads me to believe circulation and breathing are still occurring - just at a reduced rate. More like hibernation than being frozen solid. Sadly, spouse would bleed out slowly rather than quickly, and brain death due to lack of oxygen via blood would still result. If somehow, spouse was suspended again before brain death, and cryo stasis was true-freezing (so as to prevent bleedout), you still have that life support failure problem. This killed off everyone else in the damn vault. Your spouse either then died directly due to lifesupport failure (and further failure to eject them from their pod), or they survived and woke up like you did, and promptly succumbed to their injury as their metabolism returned to normal, still failing to be ejected from their pod. They're kind of up the creek either way - what I wanna know is how the heck your Sole Survivor isn't dead, or why none of the other pods auto-ejected their occupants. A synth spouse is just not gonna stack up to the real thing, that brain is g o n e.
  7. I wanna see where this goes, go for it. This whole thread has turned into some educational world-building for me haha.
  8. I should hope prepping was high on the to-do list, given Vault-tec made an entire industry out of it.
  9. Your next best bet might be to keep an eye out for GE/CK written versions of the mods you like now, and cross your fingers they bring the missing stability back to your games. We're flying dangerously as it is, modding a dang game since day one.
  10. variant of moveto player command?
  11. Chalk is scrapped into asbestos and not into anything I can make concrete with. I think part of the problem is if all items scrapped for their actual materials, they'd have to work in a bunch of other more obscure (or the lowest-common-denominator player would never think to look for materials there) items that had hard-to-get materials. I'd be expecting to find asbestos in old firemen gear, Mr. Gutsys, scrapped houses, and gas mask filters. I don't know if any of those do that or exist. Chalk? I expect gypsum as a byproduct. Dunno if that's even a building material.
  12. Best way to solve this mystery would be to upload a video with the sound so we can know for sure what we're hearing. If you're able.
  13. I'm waitin' for Christmas for that game, hehe. I spent all my time leading up to FO4's release completing 3 instead. I'll definitely be trying NV.
  14. I make sure the timescale is set to 6 or 7 so days and nights are impactfully long in duration. I've got my nights modded as dark as they can go. Modding to very easily cripple my limbs and stimpaks are required to un-cripple them. I also do not fast-travel except for settlement raids. It's not a requirement due to mods yet but I make a point of sleeping at least once a day. I find it tactical to travel during dawn and dusk so I can see fairly well but get some cover from darkness. The sleep needs rule disrupts my ability to use that 100% of the time. Sometimes doing this puts me in a situation of waking up to radstorms - mine are modded to be very dangerous - so I've gotten in a habit of trying to find someplace indoors I can nest/rest for the next several hours. (I'll Wait if I can't Sleep.) It's more interesting because I frequently wind up in weird combat scenarios in these little hidey-hole buildings I find, which I'd otherwise pass up. It makes the loot I find a side-effect of trying to manage my needs as a living thing, instead of the videogamey 'lol let's go find stuff'. You can probably tell I used to run FWE in FO3. Heh. Given how my rad-x and radaway are piling up, I should probably start imposing a daily food requirement on my lone survivor as well. I do make a point of selling off pre-war food items in favour of hunting fresher meat to cook myself, so I suppose that's still not gonna be a problem until somebody mods cooked food to remain radioactive. My other rule is that I keep three weapons on my favourites tab, and these are what I can swap between during combat. (grenades have their own key so I only use the one type currently accessed by it). I assume everything else is stowed deep in a massive backpack, otherwise how would I juggle all this stuff? I can swap out other weapons when I'm not fighting, in which case I re-assign my favourites. I like to keep one melee, one handgun, and something longrange/scoped if I am able to. I might drop this to just two favourited weapons if I want more of a challenge.
  15. Okay so you'd still be saving on effort made by your computer, then. Coolbeans.
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