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Oblivion weather, cool or ugly?



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  1. 1. Is the oblivion weather cool or ugly?

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The oblivion weather I thought was pretty cool. I liked the fade in and out as if Oblivion was ready to invade.


The regular cyrodiilic weather was a bit bland in my opinion though. I didn't think it was very believable.

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The weather is cool since i've moved on from games with static weather, except i find the weather rarely changes in my game (it's always either sunny or overcast, never raining).


I agree that the transition when in range of an Oblivion gate is really cool. I like how the sky looks like it has been lined with magma, it gives a real sensation of Hell.


I was going to say i'd like to see electrical thunderstorms, but then i realised there was no thunder in the past because there was no electricity. :wallbash:

Edited by spiritshadowx
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It was awesome at first nearly left me awestruck the first time I saw the oblivion gate storm but it got old about mid to late main quest on my first play through could have been much better if they had intensified as the main quest progressed. As for all other weather I find it shifts between heavy rain/snow and sunny and that's it.
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Except Leyawiin ... I am the bringer of rain at Leyawiin (I suspect it's sunny there when I'm not around, all part of the conspiracy, you see). All my fault, I have some girls living at White Stallion and they go for an afternoon swim if the weather's nice. So naturally ...


On topic ... cool but could use some improvement. Chance of clouds this afternoon (my Oblivion weather is history, MQ done thank God).

Edited by Striker879
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Only thing I found cool about it was the change from natural weather to the Oblivion fire weather. Everything else was bland to me. Maybe it was thee rain still falling in front of me when under a roof or the lack of realistic lightning and thunder. Or maybe I am just being picky today! Snow was good, tho I would have liked it being more like the Bloodmoon expansion for Morrowind.
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Eh, it's kinda boring. The rain is ruined when all the NPCs just walk around as if nothing's happening in a thunderstorm. I'm surprised no one's added a mod that makes them all hold umbrellas or head to their house at the very least.

A mod clearing the streets in bad weather would be good, actually. It would probably interfere with plot scripting in some circumstances though (e.g. having to interact with certain characters at specified times & places).

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I recall reading somewhere that the beggars have a spot of AI that makes them seek shelter, but Ive never seen this in-game nor spotted the scripting for such detection of what is shelter.
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I was going to say i'd like to see electrical thunderstorms, but then i realised there was no thunder in the past because there was no electricity. :wallbash:


What on Earth are you talking about? Electricity is a natural occurrence of nature. It's called lightening. It's called electrons moving along a conductive surface.


Nobody invented it. Nobody created it.


There has been thunder since the first atmosphere formed in the universe. There's thunder on Jupiter and Saturn. Did it just start appearing on those planets when humans "invented" electricity here?


And let's not forget Zues, the God of Thunder. The Greeks came up with him, so there must have been thunder then. One would think so, anyway.

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