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real shelters


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Maleficus04, do a quick test if you will: go somewhere flat, build a long corridor out of metal or wooden elements (the ones with 3 walls so you don't have to work a lot. Make it 6+ elements, then go to one end of it and look towards the other. Force rain weather (in console type fw 1ca7e4), and tell me if you can see the rain going thru the roof. You can try stacking elements to test the multi-story thing as well.

Sure thing. It'll have to wait a few hours (work), but I'll try that out tonight.


Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, I kind of forgot about it. Anyhow, I tried it with the prefab wood and metal. Then I tried with an actual floor, walls and ceiling, (including a 2 story corridor) with both wood and metal. It was the exact same with all of them: when I stood at the end, I could see rain about 4-5 blocks down from me, but none in between myself and that block. If I moved closer, the rain that was clipping through would move farther away. It's seems to have a set distance in relation to the player with that setup.

Edited by Maleficus04
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