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Been contemplating this for a few days now, but we need to officially rename that robot from Codsworth to Clodsworth.


He's guaranteed to stand in a doorway, park directly in front of your face or to push you away from where you are trying to go.


He's also a bit blind - he loves to stand around while guns are blazing wondering what's going on. Occasionally he gets activated and then he's an interesting roving assault platform.

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But he is a close range combat type. He needs to stand close to the enemy or he can't kill anything. It handy since he can soak damage for you since he is tanky follower.


His combat aI is shared with other robots of his type, so if you wish him to be more responsive, the others will be almost impossible in kill since they have high fire rate guns and no "cool down."


If he stands in a doorway and won't move, just tell him to move.

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