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Severin Manor Torch Sconces


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It's a pretty common opinion that Severin Manor from the Dragonborn DLC is a pretty nice house, except it's so badly lit that only Falmer could live there comfortably.

There are better lighting mods for Severin Manor, but none of them have patches for/are compatible with ELFX, or other lighting overhaul mods.

I'm thinking, a nice way to bypass compatibility with other mods and still light up Severin, would be torch sconces!

You know, those things you sometimes find in Nord barrows or bandit towers? You can press Activate on them to add or remove the torch, and it lights up the area.

I figure adding some empty sconces to the home would allow for optional extra lighting without interfering with edited lights from other mods!


It seems like it'd be easy enough for someone with even a limited knowledge of the creation kit, so I hope something like this can be done!

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Why not just use a lighting mod or a mod that overhauls the house?

Like I said, I use ELFX. ELFX edits Severin's lights (it edits pretty much every light to be more realistic), and because of that, mods that specifically edit Severin to have more light sources cause flickering and ugly lights in general.

Plus, there aren't really any good Severin lighting mods to begin with.

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