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Regular Pip Boy display in Stealth mode


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I would love a mod that gives you a normal Pip Boy display when you are invisible, or perhaps replaces it with the pip boy display you get while in power armour. When the invisible effect is on it's hard to see anything on the map and much of the text is totally unreadable. Plus, if you activate the pip boy while your gun is moving, the display is horribly glitched and you can't see anything properly. This might not be a huge problem during occasional stealth boy use since they wear off, and are relatively rare, but I have a piece of legendary armour that gives me invisibility when I'm sneaking and standing still and I do a LOT of sneaking, so my pip boy is almost always bugged out and hard to see. Trying to use aid items or change weapons during a fight is really difficult because sometimes the display is so glitched you can't see any item names and I can't sneak before quick traveling because the map is unreadable, so I often find myself getting ambushed by nearby enemies. It drives me crazy.

I also kind of wish the invisibility effect wasn't quite so invisible. It looks kind of stupid seeing dramatic closeups of myself in VATS when I'm basically invisible. I wish I could see myself a little bit. And I really wish that it didn't make the reflex sight dot turn invisible too. It's basically impossible to aim without a scope while invisible. Ugh.

Edited by VDantes
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is it possible that 5 jears later no semi-proffessional modder here ever felt the urge to be able to see what his pip boy does when in stealth? I mean, its a realistic "feature" and all, but i´d prefer to be able to see what item/weapon i´m choosing without having to stand up ( or even entirely remove my stealth armor piece) in a situation where this could get me in danger.

Anything here would be appreciated. From a simple "this mod doesnt exist because" to "jeah it exists just look it up idiot" or "i will get on it" just give me something please.

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Since you TOLD me to....


After 7 years of modding, there iS multiple mods that help to fix the problems with the stealth field/invisibility/chameleon affect. And they're not that hard to find. You just need to



There really isn't an all in one solution tho. :( Here's a good one for the pip. Used it forever.



This isn't what I use, but it looks very interesting. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49077

The one I have makes you semi-transparent, so you can still see that you're under an effect. But no probs seeing your gear. Can't find it again tho.


Also, check on bethesda.net there's good ones there, for stealth, sneaking, and related mods.

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